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Missing Order Confirmation

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    Missing Order Confirmation


    I have setup my first site, everything's looking great, intergreation with the PSP (using is running well, etc.

    The only thing that I seem to be missing is an Order Confirmation page. When you get to the page where you enter in your credit card info and hit next, it takes you to the receipt page. That seems a little jarring to me, I would think people should be given an opportunity to review their info before finally placing the order.

    Am I missing something ?

    I setup the PSP stuff via the instructions from a doc off the actinic site:

    1. Login to the Authorize.Net merchant administration site at
    2. Go to Settings (Transaction Response) | Response/Receipt URLs Select edit Default Relay Response URL insert the site url as the last URL before lauching to the Secure page (i.e.


    As far as I can tell, it looks like Phase 2 is entering in credit card details, Phase 3 ??? don't know, Phase 4 is receipt ?

    If that's correct, it seems to be skipping Phase 3

    Phase 3 is used for the Java Applet or to transfer to your PSP
    Owner of a broken heart


      When I have used PSPs before (and I have not used Authorise.Net) the pattern is normally

      1) Confirm location
      2) Confirm Invoice Address, Shipping and Tax
      3) View Order Total. Confirm Delivery Address (if different) and Payment Method.
      4) Bounce page to Authorise.NET
      5) Authorise.NET page - Enter CC Details
      6) Authorise.NET page confirming transaction
      7) Receipt.

      Steps 3 and 5 both provide a final order total. Perhaps you could give more detail about what you are seeing, and you you are expecting to see.

