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"Error Locating the "original" directory"

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    "Error Locating the "original" directory"

    Hi, I hope someone can help.

    We recently downloaded Internet Explorer 7.0 without realising it was going to affect just about every setting we had in our office computer. Thankfull we have uninstalled this nightmare software and managed to gain access to Emails, and other software again through hours if resetting each program. However, Actinic is proving rather more stubborn.

    On trying to open the program we get an error "Error Locating the "original" directory" and we can go no further. We can't get access to the program and we don't want to reinstall it until we are sure we can retrieve our live online shop (that currently has orders in it waiting to be processed) and the orders that are already processed.

    We back up the data on each closedown.

    At present Actinic is unable to help unless we sign up for a very expensive support package and no longer support version 6.
    Can anyone help?

    Thanks in advance,


    Check in C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\ for a folder called 'Original'. If this is not there, then that is the cause of the problem.

    Do you know what exact version of Actinic v6 you were on? If you do then I could perhaps arrange to have a copy of the original folder for the particular version sent to you.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi Bruce, It's there in all of it's Glory. That's what's so perplexing!

      Until we can get into the program I won't be able to tell which verion it is.
      Any ideas?



        Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. The quickest remedy will be to re-install the software.

        You say you have a back-up of each closedown, look for the last one that was done before the issues arose and make sure it is in a safe place. Uninstall Actinic and then delete the 'Actinic Ecommece v6' folder in C:\Program Files\

        Re-install Actinic and then import the last back-up and choose to overwrite orders. This will bring you back to where you were at that back-up. You should then be able to download orders that are available on the website.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

