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Discounts based on specific product combinations

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    Discounts based on specific product combinations


    Is it possible within Actinic v7 (business) to create a discount that only applies if 2 specific products are purchased together?

    We sell canvas art and are wanting to add upselling opportunities to the site by pushing certain pieces of art as a pair or set.

    So if customer buys a specific canvas we can then offer them a discount if they buy the matching canvas.

    We would need to do this in such a way so that we can say
    If customer buys product A and also product B then give 10%

    I know its possible to sell the canvases as a set (ie a single product) but we would rather offer discounts as above than start adding extra products.

    Any advice?
    Russell King
    Canvas Etc...Stylish Modern <A HREF="">Canvas Art</A>

    Hi Russell,

    In View | Product Groups create a new group called something like "Canvas Offer". Add in "Product A". Click "Discounts" then "New". Give it a name, base it on quantity, trigger of 1, Product group is "Canvas Offer", Reward type is "% off extra product", Reward Amount is 10% and then select "Product B" from the drop down list.

    I hope this helps.

    Toby Blanchard

