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Timeout error merging my site !

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    Timeout error merging my site !

    Updating my site, I began receiving this error message :
    • Actinic received a network error while merging files on the server. Try again later and contact your network administrator if the problem persists. The operation timed out

    If I erase *.fil and *.cat files from server, I get merging success when refreshing the site.

    Making small changes or adding products, brings the error message again when I update the site ( My site is « massive » : 18000+ product (books). I don't remember changing anything on the server. I never touch it ! I am beginning the get nervous !

    The FTP Options of Actinic are :
    Client timeout : 15000
    Connection timeout : 25000

    My site is hosted on my Cobalt RAQ4 server connected to my network.
    Any suggestions to solve my problem ?
    Bernard Morin

    More details...
    Publish my site on my HP portable installed with « Standalone Demo » : Active Perl + Apache http Server + War Ftp.
    Everything went fine ! Adding products, correction, etc...
    Merging the site execute as it used to do : without problem.

    The problem seems to point toward the Cobalt RAQ4 !
    Is there some settings I could change ? I would like to know where !
    Any RAQ4 knowledgeable persons out there ?
    Thank You !
    Bernard Morin


      The merging files phase is where Actinic is running a Perl script on your server.

      If your site is huge, this script may either be needing more memory or execution time than is allowed by your server setup. Your server logs may help pinpoint this (if you've access to them).

      You could try asking your server people for more resources and see if that helps.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        The Cobalt has maximum memory: 512 (256x2) !

        But I think/hope it's working now !
        I did several things ! I don't know which one resolve my problem !
        I compacted the database several times !
        I completely erased the « acatalog » directory on the Cobalt RAQ4 !
        I add some disk space (doubled) to my site on the server even if it only used 8% of the previously allowed space.
        I published the site from my HP portable with a new number (2) for the .pl files. It got published without problems.
        I redid the last patch on my regular workstation.
        I snapshot back the site to my regular workstation.
        I did a complete refresh on the server. Got a permission error ! Upgrade the site again. Was o.k.
        Last night, I did add products (20) and got the site upgrade without problems.
        Now I keep my fingers crossed for the next update...

        Thank you for the help/support !
        Bernard Morin


          It's me again ! Still having my time out error !
          This is the message I get at the time of the message !

          From error.log :
          [Wed Jan 31 18:34:02 2007] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=Out of memory!: /usr/cgiwrap/cgiwrap

          Does this information worth something to solve the problem !
          Bernard Morin


            As I suspected in post #3, you need more memory allocated to Perl scripts on your server. This is nothing to do with disk space, you've plenty of that.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              I have the maximum memory installed : 256 x 2 = 512mb !
              Bernard Morin


                Installing memory doesn't mean that it's available to your Perl scripts.

                That would be something that you'd set in your server configuartion. I know nothing about RAQs but hopefully someone else listening in will.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

