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Can anyone spare 2 mins to have a quick look at our site?

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    Can anyone spare 2 mins to have a quick look at our site?


    Our site is finally more or less ready to go thanks in a large part to the generosity of contributors to this forum who have helped me through some problems that I would never have solved on my own.

    I was wondering if anyone would be able to spare a little time to have a quick look at my site and let me know their thoughts?

    Our site sells digital cameras and also offers information for photographers using the brochure sections and a photography forum.

    If there is any functionality in my site that people would like to copy etc please feel free to ask me about it too.

    Many thanks,


    I had a quick look. Looks good - just a couple of points that came to mind:
    1. If I was going to buy a camera I would want to see more bigger details pxitures as well as the thumbnails. I also think you could sharpen the images to make them look a bit better.
    2. Consider putting links on the actual cameras listed in 'The Fuji Range of digital cameras' for example.
    3. Special Offers are empty!

    I wish you well.



      Many thanks for taking the time to look at the site.

      I'm a little unsure of what you meant in 1&2.

      In 1 do you mean you would prefer to see a bigger picture and maybe some other angles? ie in :

      I have an option for a second image to the right but am saving this for a review from a camera magasine. I guess I could build in the thumbnail image into the template or a link to a pop up page with a full size image.

      In 2 do you mean putting the link on the image itself as well as in the click for more info? I did try to do this a while ago using info from the forum but couldn't get it to work because of how I have the sections etc set up. Jont and Norman helped me out with part of this:

      Do you know if there is a way of copying the functionality from the [LINK] and applying it ot the title and image in the compact product to link to the main product.

      Valid point on the special offers, I will add a coming soon fragment!

      Many thanks,



        Originally posted by kmsretail
        ...In 1 do you mean you would prefer to see a bigger picture and maybe some other angles? ie in :
        Yes I would want to see closeups and different angles if I was a prospective buyer.

        Originally posted by kmsretail
        ...In 2 do you mean putting the link on the image itself as well as in the click for more info?
        Yes and No. Yes - I think you should have a link on the thumbnail as well as more info. No - I meant on that this page for example: it would be good to put links to your product detail so someone can see more details and hopefully buy.

        Try this in your act_productline template to make the image clickable:
        <A HREF = TARGET="_self">
        it's a little different to yours that you posted before.



          The coding below still causes me the same problems as before as it takes me back to the same place (due to how my sectios are set up).

          I have however come up with a solution using a CUSTOMVAR:URL as per AUG page 42. This seems to work well - I have used it to create a clickable image and title.

          I am looking at creating a pop up with larger and more images from the main product page. I'm looking into using the custom pop up from AUG p42.

          We do plan to put links into the ranges explained area - this is WIP at the moment.

          Many thanks for your comments.



            What you have implemented is a better solution as the link is relative rather than cgi and should be preferred by the SEs.


              Thats good news.

              I have now put in a pop up page with more pictures:


              Thanks again for your comments - that has made some big improvements to our site.



                sections and sub-sections in left hand nav bar

                Hi Myles,

                I really like the way that you have organised the sections in the left had column.

                I am in the process of implementing a v8 shop for inkjet and toner printer cartridges.

                How did you set up the sections like this? I would like to have sections like this..

                Ink Cartridges
                - Epson
                - Canon
                - HP
                - Cartridges by No

                Toner Cartridges
                - Epson
                - Canon
                - HP
                - Cartridges by No

                This type of structure would help people navigate or see on all pages of the site, their different printers.

                Could you point me in the right direction please.

                Thanks for your time,



                  John - firstly I have replied to your email but it keeps bouncing back so have sent via the forum link.

                  Secondly - to set up your navigation that way you need to simply set up top level sections (Ink and Toner) and then put your subsections into each (Epson, Canon, HP). In the KMS example the top section is "Digital Cameras By Brand" ... clicking this goes to the subsections showing Canon, Nikon etc.... clicking those icons takes you through to the actual product pages

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    Hi John,

                    I'm glad you like the site.

                    The layout on the left hand side took some time to work out. In the end I had to do it manually - here are the steps I took. Just one note I did this in v7 so don't know if there are any differences in v8.

                    Also I used the method below as the same product comes up in each section.

                    1. Product set up - I created 2 templates one for the compact product layout and one for the main full description product layout.

                    2. Sections layout.
                    I created the following sections under the main shop area.
                    QuickFinder, Full Range of digital cameras, Special Offers, Digital cameras by brand etc etc. Within these sections I created the relevant subsections.

                    3. Products. For SEO I then created a section within Full range of digital cameras for each product (this way each product gets its own page and meta data etc). Next I created a product within the full range using the compact layout. Finally I copied the product and pasted as duplicate into all the sections including the product's own section within full range of digital cameras. I then changed the layout as required.

                    4. The next step is to edit the left hand column in the following templates - Act_Primary, Act_BrochurePrimary and Act_PrimaryCheckout. Basically you need to hard code in the section links in the templates.

                    I hope this is of some help. Feel free to ask for clarification on any points if you need to.





                      Site is good, the only problem I had was that I couldn't find a checkout button, I found that in the end I had to view my basket then checkout, just a small one but that's how I tend to shop online.

                      When entering the checkout I recieve this message:

                      There is a problem with this website's security certificate.
                      The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority.

                      Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
                      We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.
                      Click here to close this webpage.
                      Continue to this website (not recommended).
                      More information

                      And then on each step I get a pop up box saying

                      The page contains secure and non secure items - do you wish to continue.

                      I had this problem when first installing google analyitics (the code needed to be HTTPS)

                      All of this might put potential customer off
                      Percentage Golf



                        Thanks for the comments (and the sale ).

                        I'll have a look at adding the check out button to the shopping basket box.

                        Hmm security cert could be very offputting - something I'd best investigate.

                        The secure/non secure comments come up as I pass customers to our secure server to process personal info but the site content I guess is based on the standard server. Not sure how to get around this. Time for some webtrawling.

                        Thanks for taking the time to have a look,



                          I think the non secure items can be caused by images etc being loaded from a non secure part of the server.

                          Someone will correct me if i'm wrong

                          Percentage Golf


                            Hi Myles

                            I had a look at your site using Firefox and when entering the checkout I got a message similar to the one above. It gave a few posible reasons for the error so I have attached a picture: Click image for larger version

Name:	message.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	41.0 KB
ID:	541795

                            Also I think Haydn is right with the images being loaded from a non secure server. When I put my logo on to PayPal's checkout page I got the same message because my logo was on a non secure server. The only way I could solve it was to put the logo on a secure server and link to that.



                              Hi Sam,

                              Thanks for looking at our site.

                              I need to take a good look at the security message issues as this will put customers right off.

                              I also have the same problem with our logo on the Paypal page but have yet to work out how to load it onto the secure part of our server.

                              At the moment we have the standard store on the normal server and then switch to the SSL for the start of the order process (ie entering personal address etc) the customer then gets switched to Paypal for payment. I'm not sure if I really need to go to the SSL for address type info - is this really necessary?

                              If it is then I then need to work out how to get the content onto the SSL to stop the non secure messages and also buy a certificate for the site.

                              I'm going to work on this today but if anyone has any ideas they would be gladly received.


