would it be possible to make the value field for a Customvar as a dropdown list so that a value can be picked out instead of typed? As a bookseller I need to make extensive use of extra fields in the product description. I am in the process of revamping and updating our site. "Trade Paperback" is one of the possible values for the Customvar "Binding", and I must have typed this at least 500 times in the last 3 days!
would it be possible to make the value field for a Customvar as a dropdown list so that a value can be picked out instead of typed? As a bookseller I need to make extensive use of extra fields in the product description. I am in the process of revamping and updating our site. "Trade Paperback" is one of the possible values for the Customvar "Binding", and I must have typed this at least 500 times in the last 3 days!