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My post has been deleted

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    My post has been deleted

    I see there is no freedom of speech on this forum. I put a post up pointing out some bad points of Actinic and it was deleted?

    Is this how Actinic deal with serious flaws in their software?

    Stick their head in the sand for 7 years and if someone does bring it up they delete the post

    I paid good money for software that I would have expected by revision 8 would have had problems that have been highlighted for years, fixed.

    Hi Froogle

    I have sent you an email about this. Please feel free to respond to me directly about this, but for the reasons explained in the email it wasn't possible to keep your original post on the forum.


      Freedom of speech if fine but it is a little much to accept the people who own the product and sponsor the forum to allow such a post - there are many other places this can be done. I recall from the post you also made reference to a competitors product which will understandably force the hand of the mods.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        I saw the original post and chose not to reply as I didn't feel it appropriate or necessary to reply.

        It seeed to me that most of the points raised were unique to yourself, we all experience moments of utter frustration with the software. But that's life. I get equally frustrated with my utility provider and my telephone service.

