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Three Questions

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    Three Questions

    Hello, i have not posted for a while but now have three new questions, i hope this is not too much to ask

    1) How do i activiate my web site logo on V7 of Explorer, is this someting i need to add to a template as all i get is the bog standard e

    2) I want to change the background colour of (also to be called something else soon as there is a site lurking about and is stopping me from getting anywhere in the rankings) is this as straight forward as changing Design / Color and changing pallette colours 1 and 2 to something else or is it much more complicated than that ?

    3) i have been having trouble uploading and got several merge errors which i have now sorted by both deleting .cat.fil files and then when it screwed up everything inlcuding the shopping cart, did a hide and unhide on various parts of the tree which seems to bring it back to life, i know it is not scientific but seems to work for this particuar quirky db. However, during the course of tidying up some images which i don't need any more and deleted after deleting the entry in the tree after every upload i now get a message saying "some passive errors were encountered during the transfer. See this list for error and affected files" and these are all the ones i wanted deleted so why is it trying to upload them ? and how can i stop it from trying to upload them and therefore not get the error message. I have hundreds more images to delete and wonder if there is a specific sequence that must be used.

    Sorry for all the blurb but hope someone can answer all 3.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. I presume you are referring to a favicon - search the forum for favicon there's quite a lot discussions about them. You can get them made automatically online as well which can save hassle. In FF you can also have animated favicons.

    2. Yes you can change the background by changing your theme colours like that. Take a snapshot first and give it a go.

    3. Have you checked that you don't have some deleted images still defined in the Additional Files List that Actinic is still trying to upload?


      Additional files list

      Hello, thanks for that i did not know it was called a Favicon, will have a look.

      Will try the colours change as well but i don't know what you mean by the Additional files list. Can you explain where i might find this and what i need to do to update ?



        Look on the toolbar - Advanced|Additional Files and see if some files are in the list that have been deleted.
        It's doubtful that is going to be problem though because if you didn't know about Additional Files you more than likely wouldn't have added any in the first place. The images that are causing the problem - are they standard product images or where they used in fragments or is there any correlation to them?
        Otherwise a purge and refresh might be an idea.


          jpeg files

          Hi, i have looked at the additional files section and you are right, there is nothing in there.

          The images are normal jpeg and i believe they were in fragments. Do i need to delete these somehow else ?

          When i do a purge and refresh, that is when my db gets all screwed up - perhaps there are other backgroud problems - i just don't know.


            Sounds like there may be something fishy with your database - maybe you should contact Actinic and have it checked out before you do anything drastic.

