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Advice needed! Import eBay listings to Actinic

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    Advice needed! Import eBay listings to Actinic


    This is my first post so I hope I am doing it ok!

    We used to use Actinic and to cut a long story short we now only trade on eBay and not our own site. However, we would now like to list all the stock we have on eBay back on to Actinic.

    Is there a simple way of importing my eBay inventory into Actinic so that we can start selling our our website again?

    Thank you in advance!


    Export all your items from eBay and construct a flat file from there. Move your image filenames into site one etc and away you go.

    Not too big a job depending on your product numbers.

    Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
    Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


      Thank you HTH,

      Is there an idiots guide to doing this please?! My technical skills are limited!

      I think I understand that I have to create a flat file from the format of a CSV text file and then follow the import wizard. However, I am not sure how I generate a compatible CSV file.
      Image filenames and product numbers are a bit of a mystery also! What do you mean by this please?
      Do you mean my own product numbers? If so, I don't use product numbers for my stock.


        if you look inside your site1 folder there will be a sample csv file there.

        Additionally use the Help menu, and search on "import" to find guidelines how to format the csv.

        If you don't use product references, you can let actinic generate them for you


          #4 Thank you Jo. I do not use product references.

          I have found the sample csv file and it looks complicated! Any ideas on where to get my eBay item csv file generated, or do I have to create an Actinic csv file like the template only with my item details?

          I think that this is my problem, I do not know how to get my eBay listings into a compatabile file for import via Actinic.


            I don't know anything about ebay, but Darrens reply post #2 indicates you can get ebay to generate an export file, you then re-jig this using excel to get the correctly formatted input file for actinic


              #6 Thanks Jo. Yes, that is would I thought, though I am puzzled on how to get the eBay file!


                Hi Rik

                If you have an eBay shop, download turbo lister (if you haven't already) and grab all your live listings (or sold etc it is up to you).

                When you have this, using TL export it, have a look around, get used to the layout and open up the sample file from actinic (flat file) and do the same.

                Then you will understand that your mapping needs to match actinic. Loads of variations but the bog standard settings, product ref, image filename etc are usually good enough to get you off the ground.

                Failing that, we do build databases but it ain't free no promoting on here but search us out on Feebay...

                Daren (note just the one R joe LOL)
                Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                  #8 Thanks Darren,

                  Will have a look at that then. It might just be that I / we need to study the CSV layout more thoroughly!

                  Thanks again, will try and find you on eBay! (I assume that's where you said!)


                    Daren (note just the one R joe LOL)
                    i'm just grateful you didn't call me Jan or Jan(e)

                    The R is remembered


                      No worries Jack, I mean Jo.

                      at Rik, now worries, u/n is los_design

                      Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                      Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting

