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Duplicate orders - help!!!

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    Duplicate orders - help!!!

    Has anyone ever heard of this problem?

    People are placing orders on our website and sometimes we get the same order 2 or 3 times. I thought maybe they were clicking the confirm order button more than once but I tried to do that and it's not possible.

    Has anyone heard of this and, if so, how can we get around it?

    I thought maybe they were clicking the confirm order button more than once but I tried to do that and it's not possible.
    It is possible if there is a delay transering to a PSP if you use one. There are several threads about this subject.


      We don't use a psp, we just process card details as and when they come in.

      Is there a solution? Can't seem to find any previous threads on this.


        People are placing orders on our website
        What website is it - your signature leads to a design company website.




            I think you will have quite a few of the same test order I placed.

            There are two problmes with the site - the first and most serious is that your payment page is insecure, if you want to carry on using it as it is you need SSL as currently all credit card transactions are not secure.

            Secondly there is a delay on the final page as I suspected which allowed me to send the order several times - this is down to your server.


              think you will have quite a few of the same test order I placed
              9 in total - so I am not surprised you are getting multiple orders.


                The whole site runs on SSL so that can't be right. Even the home page has an address starting https!!

                Not sure how to address the multiple order thing. Do you think it's the speed of the server processing the orders then?


                  The whole site runs on SSL so that can't be right
                  I stand corrected - Ive just upgraded this PC to ie7 and have not gotten used to the padlock being by the address bar now

                  Why have the whole site under ssl? - the delay at checkout is down to server speed so nto much you can do. My usual advice ( in several other threads about this subject if you care to search) is to put asome text saying please press once or the like.


                    Ok, I understand. I'm due to move the site to a new server by the end of the week so I think that might solve the problem. It's much faster and has much higher RAM etc so fingers crossed this solves it.

                    I put the whole site on SSL a) because I think it reassures people and b) when we launched we had a problem with popup messages about the page displaying non-secure items but we later found out this was because of the flash movie at the top of each page trying to link back to Macromedia (which was a non-secure address) so the SSL on entire site thing was something we perhaps didn't need to do!

                    Thanks for your help and advice anyway.


                      Can anyone tell me if it's possible to disable the 'next' button at the end of the checkout phase which confirms the order has been placed? I'd rather do this than put in a message about only clicking once, which people could miss.

                      I have seen this done on other sites so if it's possible in Actinic it would solve the problems i'm having with duplicate orders.



                        disable the 'next' button at the end of the checkout phase which confirms the order has been placed?
                        If you do this how will the customer be able to send the order to you and get a receipt.

                        If they dont click on next then the order is not processed by actinic


                          I worded that badly!

                          What I meant was is it possible for the 'next' button to be disabled after the button has been clicked?

                          I've bought from a site recently where the 'confirm order' button disabled once you click on it and the words on the button changed to 'processing, please wait'

                          If this is possible in Actinic it would be a big bonus.


                            You can do this kind of thing in javascript which should work for the vast majority of your visitor (and won't disrupt the others).

                            Here's a simple routine that someone called Alvin posted elsewhere. I haven't tried it but it sounds like it will do what you want.

                            Your Script does the job for multi-submit buttons…here is a very simple script that will do the same thing:

                            in the <form> tag do as follows: <FORM ACTION="cgi-bin/whatever.cgi"
                            METHOD="POST" onSubmit="document.getElementById(’uploadButton’).disabled=true;">

                            and in your button (input) tag add this:
                            onMouseDown="this.value='...please wait';"

                            this will change the value of the button to relay a message once it has been clicked and then the button will be disabled, also upon submission while the form will do its thing.good luck

                            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                              Just trying to put this in place. Does this need to be done in the template Act_Order02.html?

                              I've looked in this template but there doesn't appear to be any forms tags for me to edit. Am I in the wrong template?

