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Text Area Problem

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    Text Area Problem

    In the second page of the checkout on the site I am building with Business I have a slight problem with a user defined field.

    I have a textarea with the following info in it:

    <textarea name="GENERALWHYBUY" cols="60" rows="8" wrap="PHYSICAL" id="GENERALWHYBUY" size="40">
    Make and Model:
    Car Type:
    Engine Size:
    Details of modifications / add-ons already made:
    Have you dealt with us before: Comments:

    For some strange reason since I upgraded to 6.1.3 from 6.1.0 the other day the textarea is now not displaying as it did before!

    It should display with the carriage returns inplace so that the user can add comments if they wish to, to each line within the text area. Instead all the carriage returns are being stripped out by Actinic when publishing the site.

    I tried ringing Actinic support today but got no help whatsoever. They didn't even know what a textarea was

    Can any of the developers here shed any light on this?

    Thanks in advance
    <a href="">Stephen Knott - Freelance New Media Designer</a>

    Hi Steve,

    I didn't receive your template yesterday, but as I have found your code here I have passed it onto the development team to take a look at.


      Hi Steve,

      It seems that when Actinic compacts the HTML it removes all the carriage returns.

      There is a setting that allows you not to compact the HTML and will therefore, leave your formatting in place. Go to the 'Design' menu and select 'Options. Click on the 'Miscellaneous' tab and un-check the 'Compact HTML/CGI' box. Update your site and check it out.

      I'm guessing that in v6.1.0 you did not use this option and somewhere in the upgrade process this box has become checked.

      I have tried it on a default site to my local server and it does work.

      I hope this helps.


        Hi Tracey

        I'm sorry I didn't get round to sending you the template I was rushing to get the rest of the site customised the other day. Thanks for contacting the developers about this, I am confident you have solved my problem, thanks very much! I will try this on Thursday when I'm next working on the site

        Thanks again

        <a href="">Stephen Knott - Freelance New Media Designer</a>

