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Perl Scrip Problem

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    Perl Scrip Problem

    I am trying to modify the Act_Order01.html we have added two check boxes of our own and set them so they dont have a value depening on weather or not they are check they get a value of N or Y, the problem is when the PL script processes the form if the check box is not checked then there no value sent, I fuged it so that it sets the value and then check the box we dont want to go down this route as it will confuse out customers.

    Is there a way I can modify the PL file so that if there no value I can send a Y and if there is a vlaue I can send an N.

    We are using MOM with our order system


    You would be much better investigating the various User Defined fields that are available in Design / Text / Web Site (cont). There are some for each phase of the checkout and you also can rename and use other unused ones (e.g. Fax number).
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Not sure that will work, what I need to do is chance the value of a Check box even if it not ticked then get that value in the PL script, this is not happening, I dot know PL at all, I can take a guess at what it doing from doing PHP and ASP development...

      But I am worried that I will screw the scrip up!


