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Promotinal Codes

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    Promotinal Codes

    The website offers short breaks to the uk and western europe ..

    We are setting up a discount option .. You pay x amount and get 10% off all tours for a year ..

    However we wish to have some restrictions ..

    The discount will only apply to one person traveling .. Currently if I have the code I can book a tour for 4 people and everyone gets the discount .. we would like it so that 1 person gets the discount and the other 3 pay full price ..

    However the website is not set up as a standard actinic site and the amount of passengers is set up with permitations rather than quanity box ..

    Is there a simple way to make the code only apply to the first person on the booking ? ..

    Thanks in advance
    s a b b i e t a g e d


    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..

    How do you have the permutations set up and which pricing model?

    Coupons tend to work on quantity entered so if it is at all possible I think you may need to set permutations to use the hidden products (if they are not already set this way)

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

