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Help! Uploading pictures problem

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    Help! Uploading pictures problem

    Hi there,
    I am New this forum so please be gentle! Being not very computer savvy so please help out in English!

    I have previously uploaded pictures on the catalog by just using a my pictures folder, nothing has moved or any such thing! But now all I get is a small x where the picture should be... All the previously installed pictures have dissapeared! Have I accidently changed the settings? or are Jpegs not the right way to host pictures on the site. When I do a preview, I am the the small red x too...

    I tried looking through the book , but picture problems are not mentioned...

    Many thanks for your help in advance...

    You must have changed something. You're best off placing all your images in your Site1 folder or a subfolder of that. Actinic will then manage your files without a problem.

    If you have images that are not part of products then you will also nee to add them to the Additional Files List in Actinic.


      If you are 100% positive nothing has changed (although it usually has and you don't realise it) check it is nothing as daft as disabling images in your web browser

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Many thanks for replies - The only thing that has changed is my host! But this is not live at moment.
        I am trying to figure out where site folder 1 is so I can move the pictures there.

        Still learning but I will get there in the end, (with a lot of help.)


          When something that has been ok for sometime suddenly fails, it is probably true to say that 95% of the time, the problem is because of the thing that has been changed.

          Your hosting changes may well be to blame.


            Site1 is in:
            C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1


              Thanks I found the file and update it with all the pictures..
              But I got a new problem which tells me I have done something drastically wrong with settings,
              On line catalog, new section, adding products the preview is blank! Back to the drawing board!


                If you are using IE7 then search the forum - others have issues with IE7 that may be the same as yours.


                  Thank You for all your help. Problem sorted. Firstly my pictures had moved, my previous host had removed the folder from his computer, as he was my web designer too, hence no picture, but I have copied all the pictures on a site 1 folder.

                  Some how today when I was looking to see what the problem was I clicked the test mode, which was the reason I couldn't see my new products! Don't ask me where this test mode is, because I don't think I can find it again!

                  Thank you for all for helping.

