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Changes in Google Analytics - anyone else noticed?

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    Changes in Google Analytics - anyone else noticed?

    I don't know if its anything to be mildly concerned about, but I've noticed Google have changed their minds when it comes to placing Analytics tracking code in web pages.

    I think I may have corrupted Google Analytics on my site yesterday by attempting to put lots of brochure Javascript into a single external file (you know - SEO optimisation and all that).
    I tried to put the four lots of scripts - i) Google Analytics, ii) actinicextras.js iii) actiniccore.js and the iv) whole Yahoo sections code into one single external Javascript file. And it didn't work so I changed things back and just put the Yahoo sections code in the external file.

    However, I have since noticed that Google Analytics hasn't registered any data for the past 24 hours, so I assume that my procedure has put a temporary spanner in the works. My Analytics control panel still says it's receiving data, except, well, its not...

    To cut a long story short, upon reading the help files on Google they now suggest the Analytics code in all pages 'should be added immediately before the </body> tag and can be added manually or through the use of templates or includes, if available'. Previously it had to go within the <head> section, so I'm not sure why this has changed. I think I'll take their advice and do this, and see what happens.

    Just thought I'd mention it, and see if in fact anyone else has anything to report on the behaviour of Analytics recently.

    It was always to be placed just before the </body> tag in my experience.


      I was certainly advised by Google initially to place the code in the <head> sections (going back to Jan 2006ish) and in most of the threads on this site I've read - including the esteemed 'Dave's Guide to Analytics'(!), I assumed the general consensus here was that the code goes in the <head> section.
      That's the main reason I mention it.


        Aha, looks like I might not have done as much damage as I thought - it seems there is simply, and coincidentally, a delay in reporting Analytics data at the moment.

