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    I would like to alter my current menu bars that run across the top of the screen. I would like them to be the same on every page.

    The top bar should include Home, Login, Shop, Term & Cond and Site Map.

    The menu below should include all my own pages such as wholesale, agents, dropshipping etc.

    Where are theses defined and how can I be specific about what is displays.


    Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts

    The links can be introduced "manually" to the templates using NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCART etc .. check out the Advanced User Guide for the NAVB options available for cart, home etc.

    Take a look in Act_NavigationItem.html from memory

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      I have looked in the Advanced User Guide. As you say I can add items using NAVBetc.

      The HEADERGUIDE defines the navigation bar on the home page. It would be good if I could modify the HEADERGUIDE and be able to apply it to brochure pages also. This HEADERGUIDE is what creates all the extra items I have eg Wholesale. Without using the HEADERGUIDE I would need to add each item plus its button individually. I have tried adding the HEADERGUIDE to the ActPrimary and it created a different vertical menu.

      Any ideas?

      Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts


        From memory think you need FOOTERGUIDE

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Its not the footerguide as if this is put in the ActPrimary it produces a vertical menu. It is also not the headerguide as this does something similar

          In the brochure pages the headerguide produces a horizontal menu that display all the extra pages such as About Us. ie the headerguide in the brochure pages is different to that in the catalogue.

          Can the details from the headerguide in the brochure pages be accessed for the catalogue pages? I suspect the answer is no.

          Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts


            Hi Geraldine

            Like Jont has mentioned in the thread you can only have the same navigation button appearing on the site by inserting indvidual buttons on the layout.

            This is the article from the Advanced User Guide:

            There is a NETQUOTEVAR for each separate navigation button in the navigation bar. These can be used instead of the restrictive NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE and NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE and they can be used in Act_Primary, Act_BrochurePrimary, Act_Header and Act_Footer.
            These new placeholders use Act_NavigationItem.html as the template to place the navigation button correctly into the HTML.
            To use them, simply place any of the following placeholders in the templates mentioned above.

            Button Placeholder
            Search button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSEARCH
            Checkout button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCHECKOUT
            Cart button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCART
            Email button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAIL
            SiteMap button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSITEMAP
            Info button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBINFO
            Up button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBUP
            Back button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBBACK
            Catalog button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCATALOG
            Home button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBHOME
            Login Button NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBLOGIN

            If you prefer, you can just use the URL of each navigation button as part of your own custom navigation control. To do this simply add the word 'LINK' onto the end of any of the above variables, and place them within an <a> tag. For instance:
            <a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCARTLINK">. . .</a>
            …will create a link to the shopping cart.
            Kind Regards
            Kiran Chandran
            Technical Support - SellerDeck

            Further help can also be found at


              The trouble is that I don't want any of the standard navigation buttons. I need the ones that relate to my own pages. If you look at the home page you will see this items in small print running across the top of the screen. I think the only option is I add the items one by one using the full code given in the Advanced User Guide. I just wanted to avoid this if there was an easier way as I have very limited HTML ability.


              Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts

