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Enter any special delivery instructions

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    Enter any special delivery instructions

    Hi everyone,

    Under 'Shipping And Handling' during checkout, there is a box labelled 'Enter any special delivery instructions:'

    How do you get this to display in all emails to customers? I want it to go in the order details section with Order Number, Payment Method, Delivery Option etc

    The line does appear when printing an invoice and comes under 'Shipping Note' label.

    I have had a look at some templates including order01 and there is a field that I think it might be called 'NETQUOTEVAR:SHIPUSERDEFINED'

    However when I add this into email templates such as OrderRecEmail.txt it doesn't show up when I select that template.

    Any ideas?

    Many thanks


    Hi Paresh

    Sorry about the delay in responding to your question.

    In the v7 Advanced User Guide there is a solution for putting the shipping method, the payment puchase order number and the 'general information' questions on the customer email. Would you be able to use any of these fields as an alternative to the Shipping User Definable one?

    If not, then please register an email support query at and the team there should be able to advise you further.


      Getting 'Special Delivery' text into Emails

      I cannot see how to get any special delivery instructions (e.g. Please leave goods in garage) into any of the emails. Is there a simple solution - with or without amending any scripts?




        To get the special delivery instructions to appear on the customer email you need to do the following:

        - go to the 'Advanced' menu and select 'Template Manager'
        - click on the 'Miscellaneous' tab (click 'Change View' if you do not see the tabs)
        - click the 'Customer' button to open the 'Act_CustomerEmail.txt' template
        - add in:


        - close and save the file
        - then open 'Windows Explorer' and browse to your site folder
        - locate the '' file and open it in a text editor such as notepad
        - search for:

        # Print the company contact information

        - paste the following code directly before the above comment:

        $ACTINIC::B2B->SetXML('DELIVERYTEXT', ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2044) . " " .
        - save and close the file and update your site



          Would anybody be able to tell me how to do this in V9.

          Thank you



            Showing payment method in customer e-mail

            On a related matter, I would like to show the Payment Method in the email that gets sent out when the customer places an order. I had a look at the Customer Email layout and saw that it uses CartOnlineXML. I'm assuming this gets built in and therefore this is probably the best place to make changes. I also found the variable $::g_PaymentInfo{'METHOD'} however, I'm not sure where or how to use this to make the change.

            Can somebody please point me in the right direction?



              Would anybody be able to tell me how to do this in V9.
              See this thread. It's in the v8 forum but will apply to v9 too.

              I would like to show the Payment Method in the email that gets sent out when the customer places an order
              - edit '' in your site folder (take a backup first)
              - search for:

              # Read the template

              - insert the following directly before the above:

              # Add payment info
                my $sPaymentDescription =  $::g_pPaymentList->{$::g_PaymentInfo{METHOD}}->{PROMPT};
                $ACTINIC::B2B->SetXML('PaymentMethod', $sPaymentDescription);
              - close and save the file
              - then add the following into your customer email template:

              Payment Method: <Actinic:PaymentMethod/>

              - update your site.


                Thanks so much, Tracey!


                  Hello Tracey, it looks like you are the expert here. I have a question for you, I would like to add a custom question with an answer box to one of the checkout pages and I would also want the answer to this question to appear on my order confirmation emails, can you tell me if this is possible and how to go about it?

                  So far I found a way to add the question and the answer box by going to Design|Text|Web site (cont)|Invoice User Defined. But I cannot figure out how can I display the answer to my custom question on the order confirmation email.

                  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

