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Installing actinic

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    Installing actinic


    A customer has been trying to re-install actinic on their compuetr and they are having a few problems. I havent had a chance to speak to them as yet however they sent me this email last night

    Also on another note. I am having some trouble getting this Actinic program functioning correctly.
    I have done a fresh install from the CD and replaced the program folder with the original folder from the old server. I then entered the license key and all seems well. However, the button to down load orders is greyed out and not available. Also Chad tried to do an upload earlier and right at the end of the process is displayed an error saying 403: Forbidden
    Initially i thought it maybe to do with them putting in the network settings in wrong? But if they had, it would popup sooner saying there was an error uploading rather than at the end?

    ANyone come across this before?



    I don't know why you get a 403 forbidden on upload, this is probably a server fault rather than actnic however you can't download orders without first doing an upload.

    Once you have done a sucessful upload and then you will see the download arrow ungreyed



      I have checked with the isp and everything is fine with the server.

      They suggested deleting everything from the acatalog folder and cgi-bin and then doing a refresh which we have tried and we still get the attached error message.

      Anyone any thoughts?


      Attached Files


        Hi Martin

        Firstly do a test of the Network Settings in Advacned | Network Setup, if there is any problem it will show up during the test. If the settings test passes then please try what I've suggested below. On the other hand if the test fails please make not of the message and let us know.

        If test passes please try the following

        1. Open My Computer and browse to C:\Program Files\Actinic Sites\Site 1(or equivalent folder)
        2. If you are viewing the files as icons, go to View and select Details. Now arrange them by Type and select all files with .cat and .fil extensions and delete them.
        3. Now find all files with .pl and .pm extensions and delete them as well.
        4. Go back into the Actinic ............. folder and double click on the Original folder.
        5. In this find all .pl and .pm files. Select them and copy them into the Site folder.
        6. If you have FTP access to your server space, you will need to delete the .cat and .fil files from the acatalog folder and all the .pl and .pm files from the cgi-bin folder.
        7. Do a complete refresh through Web | Refresh Website.

        But if you are willing to try this let me warn you that till the refresh is complete your site will be down and if you have made any changes to the perl script you will have to reapply them

        P.S. You may not need to do step 6 because you have mentioned that your hosting company suggested that you delete all contents of the acatalog and cgi-bin
        Kiran Chandran
        Technical Support - SellerDeck

        Further help can also be found at

