A customer has been trying to re-install actinic on their compuetr and they are having a few problems. I havent had a chance to speak to them as yet however they sent me this email last night
Initially i thought it maybe to do with them putting in the network settings in wrong? But if they had, it would popup sooner saying there was an error uploading rather than at the end?
ANyone come across this before?
A customer has been trying to re-install actinic on their compuetr and they are having a few problems. I havent had a chance to speak to them as yet however they sent me this email last night
Also on another note. I am having some trouble getting this Actinic program functioning correctly.
I have done a fresh install from the CD and replaced the program folder with the original folder from the old server. I then entered the license key and all seems well. However, the button to down load orders is greyed out and not available. Also Chad tried to do an upload earlier and right at the end of the process is displayed an error saying 403: Forbidden
I have done a fresh install from the CD and replaced the program folder with the original folder from the old server. I then entered the license key and all seems well. However, the button to down load orders is greyed out and not available. Also Chad tried to do an upload earlier and right at the end of the process is displayed an error saying 403: Forbidden
ANyone come across this before?