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sections and product layouts

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    sections and product layouts

    I'm using a product layout as:
    product image then description ranged left, then next product on new line with description and image ranged right and so on.
    I would like to have just the sections with two products on the same line so you'd have:
    product image, description then next product image, description, then new line and so on.
    Is this possible to do? I can change the table in 'Act_sectionline.html' to 4 columns, specify the cell widths and it puts the products in the correct layout but repeats them side by side, if I put in '' is puts the next product down onto the next line and not next to the other product even though I've not specified it.

    Am I trying to achieve something that I can't do?

    Thanks Deb

    Hi Deb

    Do the following threads help?

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      Hi Ben,
      Thanks for that, I used the tip from Chris Dicken which said to go into 'Design/Options/Sections' and then to simply specify how many columns I want in the sections. How simple was that then!!

      The only thing is that the section images/text won't line up at the top of each column. I've got 2 columns and would like each row to line up at the top regardless of how deep each column is. In the 'Act_sectionLine.html' page I've made sure the cells are aligned at the top but it still doesn't do anything. The distances between the rows are not even so not sure what is governing the vertical placement of the cells.

      Any help hugely appreciated,
      Many thanks Deborah


        Go to 'Design | Text | Website | HTML' and in the 11th line down, change it to read:

        <TD WIDTH="%d%%" valign="top">

        i.e. add valign="top" into the tag there.


          Thanks for that, all okay now. I would never have found that html without your prompting.

