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Still cant get the flash logo

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    Still cant get the flash logo

    Please look at my website

    I still in the early stages of building this site.I need to put a flash logo in the blank white space next to the logo 'GRACE FASHION SHOP'

    If I only want this on the homepage,what template do I paste the code and What is the code,because I have read people giving different codes and it has left me confused.

    Also how do I know the exact position within the html of the template to add the extra code

    Please help

    Thanks in advance

    The source code on the link you have provided has the flash already in the logo, it is however on the left hand side of the logo, instead of the right hand side. It also has no height or width setting, they are just set to "xxx" at the moment. Try putting some sizes in and moving it to the opposite side of the logo and see what happens.



      Thank you very much,I have changed the height and the width,but I don't know how to move it to the opposite side.

      Also after I changed the dimensions from the xxx,it resulted in the original 'GRACE FASHION SHOP ' logo moving from the extreme left to where it is now


      Thank you
      Last edited by grace; 10-Feb-2007, 11:15 PM. Reason: latest development


        Find this in your template:
        <embed src="123-banner_com_31972.SWF" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="66"></embed>  <IMG SRC="acatalog/logo1.jpg" ALT="Grace Fashion Shop" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=71 WIDTH=509 >
        and replace it with:

         <IMG SRC="acatalog/logo1.jpg" ALT="Grace Fashion Shop" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=71 WIDTH=509 ><embed src="123-banner_com_31972.SWF" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="66"></embed>
        which should swap it around

        Note: you may see 'NETQUOTEVAR:LOGOIMAGE' in your template if so then this is the equivalent:
        <IMG SRC="acatalog/logo1.jpg" ALT="Grace Fashion Shop" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=71 WIDTH=509 >
        substitute it in the above search and replace.


          I have followed the instruction and I have ended up with 2 logos and the flash only shows in my ofline preview ,when I upload the site the space where the flash is supposed to be is blank and says 'click to activate and read this control'




            It would appear that you have copied it into a second location rather than cut it, therefore it has doubled up as there is duplicate code. If you have no idea on coding and how it works, paste the whole of the code from the page you are working on into here as it will be much quicker and less hassle to do it for you, rather than try and teach you.

            Its very important that when you are given instructions that you follow them to the letter, otherwise your whole page could go up the swanny. Following Duncan's instructions would definitely work, it is how you have done them that has failed.


              Two other things to do:
              1, Add the swf file to the Additional Files List
              2. Copy the swf file to the PreviewHTML folder

              At the moment you have the top logo and the swf file in the right place but you have duplicated the code for your logo.

              You need to delete the second instance of:
              in your template.

              As Lee says if you can't understand what to do then take a copy of your Act_Primary template, save it as a text file (with .txt extension) then attach it to your post here and we'll help you modify it.


                Thanks for all the help,
                I have done the 2 steps advised above.Attachd is the act_brochure primary as advised as well.
                Attached Files


                  Try the attached.
                  Attached Files


                    Sorry missed a bit. Try the attached. I have added the full URL path to the swf file - which should work if you have added the swf file to the additional files list.

                    Edit - also corrected per Lee's post below. (Applogies, must have been having a rough day)
                    Attached Files


                      Originally posted by drounding
                      Sorry missed a bit. Try the attached. I have added the full URL path to the swf file - which should work if you have added the swf file to the additional files list.
                      Thanks for that,but still no joy,after I replaced the whole primary brochure with the one you gave me.
                      I have double checked that the swf file is in my additional files and and the swf file is also in my 'site1'
                      the homepage is still the same with the 2 logos and 1 flash banner.
                      I am really at a loss with all the help.



                        In the code provided, there is still 2 references to the logo. This can be evidenced in the following snippet:

                        <td>NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHURELOGO<embed src="" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="66"></embed>

                        It also has 2 closing <embed> tags for some reason. Try replacing the above code (make sure you grab it exactly) with:

                        <td>NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHURELOGO<embed src="" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="66"></embed></td>

                        That will work, i hope.


                          Thanks for that. Really helped to reduce the problem but not solved it.As you can see once uploaded the flash logo does not flash.It does flash in the preview (the one on my work page) It does not flash in the offline preview neither does it online.

                          Thanks again
                          Last edited by grace; 11-Feb-2007, 10:49 PM. Reason: misspelling


                            It appears to me that your hosting package or the rest of your site design has gone titsup. When i visit your page, it never ends loading, the status bar is always there as if it is constantly downloading or looping.

                            If the link i provided you to take a look at the banner worked, this only serves to prove there is something untoward on your site as it is the same code.

                            That unforunately i have no idea on the problem.


                              Hi,I get the following message when I tried to upload.Is it time to change my hosting company,because I dont use an 'expensive' reads

                              Actinic received an request forbidden error from the web server. The server is not properly configured to allow Actinic to run CGI scripts from the cgi-bin. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.

