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Change location of Add to Cart Button?

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    Change location of Add to Cart Button?

    Hi there,
    I know this can be done because I have done it before but cant remember for the life of me how I did it.

    I have included a small pic to help describe what I'm after.

    I want to change the position of my add to cart picture/button, the one per product not the single add to cart button.

    If I select to use a add to cart button it is placed exactly where I want it.(next to the quantity box).
    If I choose to use an image it is placed on 1 or maybe two lines lower down. (see pic)

    I have been through all the templates I can think of but cannot find the <br> or <p> etc that might be doing it.

    Any help appreciated as it is driving me mad.
    Attached Files

    I would suggest putting a bit of code in your Product Layout template that looks like this:

    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

    Then open 'Act_CartButtonImage.html' and remove the tags that say <P align="right"> and </P>

    Finally, you can go to 'Design | Text', click 'Go to' and go to prompt '2220'. Remove the <br> in that field to remove the line break before the quantity field.

    This should get you most of the way there.


      Thanks for that Chris,
      Easy when you know how

      Got it all as I wanted now thanks for your details.

      I think the main problem was that I didn't realise there was 'Act_CartButtonImage.html'

      All the best


