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error occurred while downloading order

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    error occurred while downloading order

    We have two orders which appear to be "stuck in the pipe"
    When we CTRL-D to download new orders, some download, but two always give the error shown below. The first came in on Thursday, the second Monday morning. Meanwhile other orders are coming in as usual - we have to SKIP the problem orders during download.
    How can we fix this?

    An error occurred while downloading order number xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
    The order may have been corrupted in transfer from the server.

    Press Retry to reattempt the download of that order.

    Press Skip to ignore that order and continue with the download of other orders from your web site.

    Press Remove to remove that order from the set awaiting download.
    It will remain on your web site renamed as xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.ordx, in case you need to undertake further investigation.

    Press Abort to cancel the download operation and leave all unprocessed orders on the web site.

    Can you see the ".ord" files on the server?


      Yes I can see two .ord files
      both size zero k

      Any ideas why they were created?


        No idea to be honest, i just know that order files are stored that way.

        If they have no size, i would personally delete them as they probably have nothing or very little within them.


          OK, deleted them. This gave an error at the next download, suggesting that I had a file access rights problem. I did a refresh and everything seems OK.
          1) What happened to the orders?
          2) Do I have an unhappy customer somewhere?


            Do you have any .occ files left on the server (after a download)?
            I suspect the anwser is no.

            Do you have un-accounted for credit card or PayPal payments?
            If yes, then the orders for those have been lost, and you might like to contact the customer. (I had this happen once).

            If those two orders had another payment method (cheque or CC Details Sent Separately), then you will have some disappointed customers.

            Alan Compton
            Great board games and cards games you won't find in the High Street

