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Checkout error IE cannot display the webpage

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    Checkout error IE cannot display the webpage

    Hi, new to actinic and could do with some help. Site is, I have developed it my self, and all was OK until a customer advised me he could not check out during the weekend. View cart works OK but when you click checkout from any of the checkout links you get a general i.e. web page error page cannot be displayed. I have checked the forum and read the advice to remove cat, fil, pm and pl files and then restore from original without any success. I do not think it is an SSL issue as we do not get to the point where we transfer to Paypal.
    Any advice would be welcome.

    Try a purge and refresh. If you have SSL turn it off and get the site working without it then put it back on. You do not really need SSL if you are using Paypal.


      Thanks for the reply, SLL is off, purge and refresh? is that the same deleting the Cat, Fil, PL amd PM files which I have tried twice


        Ahhh - i see you are on v6, I dont know if you have that option. It will be in Help | Troubleshooting |


          The Option in Help | Troubleshooting | is to purge session files, I tried this but it made no difference.


            Has the site ever been working correctly? if it has then has your host changed anything

            If you have purchased Actinic within the last 30 days you can call Actinic and get them to help direct.


              Sorry been out all afternoon, yes the site has been up for about 3 months no issues, on Friday I made a change so that prices displayed showed both price before VAT and prices including VAT, I did this via DESIGN | Options | Miscellaneous and placing a tick in the box, uploaded and all looked OK, (format a bit poor but at least it made me legal again with trading standards). Earlier today I ran the network settings wizard which informed me that the host server clock was 116 mins out of sink so I contacted 186K(hosting company) for assistance, they have informed me that the clock is no more than 2 mins out of sync, response below.

              "In regards to your recent e-mail, we can see that there was a change to your scripting at 13.42 on Monday, is this when the problem occured???? As it seems more like a scripting issue, can you get the developer to check the variables he has added on "localhost" as this seems to be where it is failing, if you try to run this script it fails, if you use firefox it tries to download when it sh0ould display or give an error. We think the problemn is linked to this change you made yesterday can you look into the scripting again.
              In regards to the serbver it is not out of synch by more than 2 minutes, and this would not cause this issue for you."

              I am now awaiting a reply to tell me which script they are referring to so I can hopefully replace.

              Any Ideas welcome


                Undo the changes you made to the site and upload to see if the problem goes away. Ive just noticed that you are on V6 - why is this if your site is only 3 months old???

                Actinic no longer supports V6 so if it is an Actinic related problem you might want to consider upgrading to V8.


                  Well I never, it worked,
                  In answer to your other question I bought the site and software when I took redundancy late last year. V8 is part of the business plan but I need to start generating an income first.
                  Any Ideas why this is and is there a work around as trading standards say I must display the price including VAT for none business customers, but business customers like it without VAT


                    Any Ideas why this is and is there a work around as trading standards say I must display the price including VAT for none business customers, but business customers like it without VAT
                    Ive no idea why it happened - you could play with switching it on and off to see if it continues to work?

                    Unless you have the business version of V6 (if there ever was such a beast) you will need to show the price inc VAT as required as most retail website do - showing it ex vat just confusess the average shopper. One for the V8 upgrade I think.


                      Thanks for your help, it's appreciated, looks like V8 will have to move up the priority list

