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Saving changes to site.html

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    Saving changes to site.html

    I have tried to make some simple changes to render bold text, but my changes are not saved when I upload the site. I must be missing some obvious step in the process so the original file keeps overwriting the amended version.

    I would appreciate a hand with this.
    Sue Derry for the perfect garden gift

    What files are you trying to modify?
    You should only be modifying the site templates not the created files. Actinic creates the the site's html files based on the templates.


      Ok that seems to answer that question.

      Is there any way to add bold type to say the body text of a product description?
      Sue Derry for the perfect garden gift


        Yes you can. One way is to add html code in the description. For example you could do this:
        <b>I am in bold</b>
        < /br>
        I am not


          Fantastic! So I could change style, font, colo(u)r etc and generally add html type code to customise each product just by putting it between the !!<>!! brackets?
          Sue Derry
 for the perfect garden gift


            Correct. You can even do this:

            I am not coded in html
            !!<<b>I am coded in html</b>< /br>>!!
            I'm also not coded in html
            !!<but I am>!!

            Or add tables for formatting etc..


              Don't get me started on tables!!

              I have my index page in 2 column form, but the product images and text are aligned centre so they look ragged as the string lengths differ, I don't suppose you know what align commands will make them all align left?

              I've already started improving the product descriptions with bold text, even a bit of italic where apropriate. Thanks for your helpful advice.
              Sue Derry
     for the perfect garden gift


                Originally posted by suederry
                ...I don't suppose you know what align commands will make them all align left?
                Have a look at your Act_SectionLine template in the Site1 folder, find:
                <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                and change MIDDLE to LEFT

                I think that will work.

