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Video Upload

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    Video Upload

    Thought I'd upload one of our training videos for customers to download and get a better idea of how to use our products.

    The video is just over 5 minutes long (mpg) and is a file size of 217,00KB. So far, an hour into the upload, it doesn't seem to want to know. Tried last night and had to quit the programme to get my computer to respond.

    Is there a file size limit Actinic 7 won't go beyond?

    Any tips?


    I don't expect there is a limit iin file size for Actinic to handle - try uploading it manually with an FTP client instead and see if there's any difference. The upload time is obviously dependant on net congestion and your 'available' upload speed from your ISP.

    I would consider scaling the mpg down considerably in size - I would doubt many people would want to download 217Mb for a quick trial.

