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    Heya guys,

    If you can remember a while back i asked you what you thought of my site. Well i took what you said into account and i'd like to know what you think now.

    Thanks a bunch!

    I like it, it just needs a few finishing touches to be very good IMO.

    1 - You have space on your logo to have a phone number, i would imagine that people will need to call you at times, so make it visible on every page and easy to find.

    2 - Go through the whole site checking your spelling and grammar, there are a number of occasions where "available" is spelt like "Avalible" for example.

    3 - All of the navigation links look a little boring and a bit plain. Its bordering on looking like a directory listing rather than exciting menus full of great stuff. They don't need much, just that little bit of class and interactivity.

    4 - Try and keep the pages as short as possible and minimise scrolling as much as possible. When the left hand side is a screen longer than the right hand side, try and even it up so it looks uniform and neat. The big sale banner down the left would (IMO) work far better if it was horizontal across the bottom of the page. Vertical banners with vertical text never quite do it for me, you find yourself twisting your head to read.

    5 - You have contact details and a contact us page, that appear in different areas dependent on where you are. Keep it all on one page and one location. If you are using the contact form to stop email harvesters, then do not show your email address as well, it defeats the object.

    6 - "Who are ukBathroomsOnline?", this is commonly known as "About Us", don't change what they are used to, 99% of sites have about us, so follow suit. It will also reduce the length of the navigation bar.

    7 - Products seems to appear on the navigation menu from time to time and changes the width of the site. From what i can see it only becomes available when the products are listed down the left hand side anyway. Remove the "|" at the end of it, or add another to the start of the menu.

    8 - Centre the site on the page.

    On the whole i like the site, i think youve done a real nice job, it just lacks that bit of icing or class as you might call it. Make the above changes and i would love it. Current score 8.5/10, with the above changes 9.5/10.

    Good luck.


      Thanks for the responce leehack, greatly appreciated. A few of the things you pointed out were on my to do list and the rest will be shortly.

      Thanks again


        My pleasure Ash, HTH.

