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Removing "State/Province" prompt

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    Removing "State/Province" prompt

    On our checkout, when you select country, it also asks you for a State or Province,
    We don't really use this prompt, it mostly only seems to include states in America but we charge the same price for shipping anywhere in America so its irrelevant,
    Is there any way to remove this Prompt and can I add more text to this page?

    Also the "If you want to ship the purchase to an address other than the invoice address, check this box:" prompt is on this page, can i move that onto the next page as i think people may just be skipping past that,
    I would rather asked after the customer has been asked the invoice address then they can be asked, "Does the Item need shipping to a different address"


    A quick search of the forum would reveal the answer to this - the short answer is to delete all US & Canadian States in Advanced | Locations and the box disappears of its own accord.

    The answer to your next question is to edit Act_Order00.html template.

    Don't know the answer to the last one though, but it's a good idea & I'll be doing it when we get a definitive answer!
    Paul - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

    Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.



      Also the "If you want to ship the purchase to an address other than the invoice address, check this box:" prompt is on this page, can i move that onto the next page as i think people may just be skipping past that,
      I would rather asked after the customer has been asked the invoice address then they can be asked, "Does the Item need shipping to a different address"
      This is not possible at the moment. It needs to be where it is because of the 'Request location information early' option, which allows for shipping to be calculated before the user checks out.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Originally posted by Bruce

        This is not possible at the moment. It needs to be where it is because of the 'Request location information early' option, which allows for shipping to be calculated before the user checks out.

        Kind regards,
        Ok, so is there an option to change the text of that question to something that makes a little more sense?

        I have had a couple of customers tell me they got a little confused why they were being asked it they needed a different address when they hadn't entered the first address yet!




          You can edit the text by going to 'Design | Text | Web Site(Cont) | Invoice Address', It is the second last option from the bottom of the list. Click within the right hand area and edit the text.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Removing drop down list of states

            I do need the states but only sometimes and I feel it is misleading to people that it is there all the time as it may make them think they are on a US site.

            I've spoken to Support about this and they've just told me there's instructiosn for what to do in the Advanced User guide (page 94 on the current version 1.5)

            haven't tried it yet!

            Jane Thurnell-Read
            200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

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