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Max database size?

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    Jan i am pretty sure that all access' sql commands can be replicated in an sql server.
    Try DELETE * FROM ORDER, for SQL server this would need to be DELETE FROM [ORDER].

    [later edit]
    Actually because you are using linked tables via access that SQL might well work - certainly would from within access itself. I still don't think that Actinic itself would work if you replaced all of the tables with linked tables it would be interesting to try it though.

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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      Originally posted by siwalker

      I'm sure we're still relatively small-fry in Actinic terms and I'm still unconvinced that Actinic/Access has any fundamental limitation such that 20,000 orders should present a performance issue.
      Simon having looked at the actinic database, the problem is not the amount of orders per se.

      for each order you have a few linked tables and each order although it will have one line per order in the main table it can have more than one on the rest of the tables.

      e.g. there is a table called order detail. this can have multiple records per order as holds information per line ordered.

      so altough you are thinking 20K orders, the amound of data and records in the database will be much larger than this.

      I asked Actinic also whether access can be eliminated altogether and replaced by SQL server but unfortunately it is not possible to direct link from the software to the sql database. (still awaiting confirmation whether you can replace all the tables with linked tables from SQL database)


        Originally posted by pnagames
        so altough you are thinking 20K orders, the amound of data and records in the database will be much larger than this.
        I think you're mixing metadata with physical data.
        How 20,000 orders map to a physical database structure is irrelevant. 20,000 orders is simply not very many.
        Having opened up the order database in Access I find the actual numbers are less than I thought - 14,000 rows in Order; 78,000 in OrderDetail. Not much data even by Access' standards.

        I now have a case open with Actinic for their view on this matter. If anyone out there has found it necessary or not to archive off orders I'd be interested to hear. Anyone happily running Actinic databases with say 25,000+ orders left online?

        Meanwhile it might be that our best option in the medium term would be to throw extra processing power at the order-handling PC.

        Until Actinic supports SQL Server I wouldn't touch any hacks - it's too business-critical.

        Cult Pens

