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Shopping List/Shopping Cart / Expy Periods

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    Shopping List/Shopping Cart / Expy Periods

    What's the difference in a shopping cart and a shopping list? In the "configure expiry periods", both are listed.

    I just implemented customer accounts. Until now, customers carts have been saved for 7 days (per my setup). Unless the cookies or session file were deleted. Now, it appears they have to click the "save" button. (Duh?!) I was thinking that their cart would be saved as it was in the past (cookie/session file), but if they wanted to save it longer or with less risk, then they could click "save".

    Is there anyway to save a cart, even if just short term, without clicking the save?


    Hi Pat,

    'Shopping Lists' are saved carts, so this is when the customer physically clicks the 'Save' button. This means that they can save what they have in their basket and then come back days or weeks later and retrieve it to then complete the order (a good option for people who place regular orders for the same items). So the expiry period for this means that the saved file (*.save) on the server will expire after however many days you set here (for unregistered customers, this will work in conjunction with the cookie on their pc).

    The 'Shopping Cart' option refers to the cookie that is placed on the customers pc for that they are placing at the time. If they decide not to continue with the order and just browse to a different site or close the browser down, then the cookie will expire after the length of time set here (minimum is 1 hour). Then if they come back to the site at a later date there will be nothing in the basket.

