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Customer account application form

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    Customer account application form


    we have a facility that allows new customers to sign up for a login name/password which will give them a specific discount rate when they buy. The form is on the site, and is accessed through the "Student Account" button. Because restrictions imposed by our merchant acquiring bank, we needed to exclude specific locations and countries from accessing this facility. So the drop down lists for "County" and Country" are limited to what is visible on the site.
    However, a few bona-fide customers have contacted us to complain about not getting the options as provided in the code behind the form, but instead being presented with a list of American and Canadian states/provinces. And as these fields are requried fields, they just cannot register. Even if they manually type an acceptable location, they cannot proceed. I have checked and re-checked the code, and there is just no possibility of these false choices being presented from within Actinic.
    Anybody any ideas on what might be the cause, and more importantly, the cure for this?


    Can you provide a link?


      I tried and registered as test (sorry) and was given options for a number of coutries but the counties were only irish or NI.

      Am I miss understanding the problem?


        I didn't register, but checked the lists and I also only got the choice of counties from Ireland/NI listed, no matter what country I chose...


          Hi guys,
          thanks for looking. Yes it sounds strange, I look and see Ireland and NI as well. But, so far 4 people, known to me, and bona fide students have said the same thing, they get to see the US states and Canadian provinces.
          The original code came from an American source, but was obviously adapted, as you can see. Where are the Gremlins, with us, or with them, or maybe even with a windows setting on their machines?



            I just had a quick look through the source code of that page and as far as I can see the only options for county are NI and ireland. Unless I am misunderstanding how it works (quite possible) I don't see how anyone could get any other options from that page.

            Is the page generated in realtime somehow or is this fixed code that never changes? If it's fixed then is it possible that there is an old version of the file somewhere that these other people are accessing by mistake?


              I don’t get any US or Canadian states either.

              I think John is right, as this is a static page these students must be looking at another web page...

              Toby Blanchard


                i just went to the form and on the counties i get only irise and Nirish counties.

                on the countries however i get several others (uk, us etc.)

                are they expecting to see a US state if they selected the us as a country?


                  Hello people,
                  thank you all for looking. Now, here is a copy of an email send to me by one of the students in question. Just when I thought it was somehow not happening again, I get another complaint. I have the copy of the page she saw, and a copy of the code behind it. The "County" field shows "United States", and the list contains all the States and Canadian provinces. I obviously can't post this page, as it gives a load of other details as well. But it is driving me seriously up the walls. How can the system be showing this? Anybody?



                    do these steps, or confirm which have been done already -

                    1) Find out the exact URL she used to get that page.
                    2) Ask her to 'view source' and send the code to you, do you see the irish or US counties...?
                    3) Now assuming that it is the correct URL, what happens if YOU go to that URL and view source? Do you see the irish or US counties...?

