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Possible weight bug?

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    Possible weight bug?


    One thing we have noticed as more and more orders roll in is that sometimes a simple, small, non-heavy product order will come in with a £6.95 delivery charge... this is normally reserved for:

    1. Heavy
    2. Expensive orders that require courier for increased insurance liability.
    3. Large orders (We compensate for large (in size) orders by specifying a "fake" weight to move it to our courier service.

    Of course, if someone buys a game for lets say 9.99 and are told they will have to pay £6.95 devlivery then 90% of them would probably shop elsewhere.

    Note: I've checked the weights of all products that have been affected by this and they are all normal.

    One thing that may be happening is something that I tracked down a few versions ago (but didn't report at time) is that when a customer picks a heavy/expensive item along with some other lesser items proceeds to checkout process then decides to remove the heavy item, the delivery charge remained "locked" into our 6.95 courier service.

    I'd like to get this resolved for my client ASAP.

    Chris Owens
    Actinic Support Subscriber
    On behalf of <a href=""></a>

    What is happening is that if you enter the checkout and select a particular delivery method (or have one selected for you), then exit the checkout and adjust the order and then re-enter the checkout - Actinic will have remembered the shipping method that was previously selected (together with the rest of the details entered).

    This is normal operation, but what you could do is provide a clear message in the shipping area that says 'please select shipping charge' - to make it clearer that people may need to re-select.


      I'll give it a try.

      Is there any specific reason why this is standard practice?

      So, if they do order a heavy item, then the delivery method is selected for them... if they then remove the heavy item and buy a game for example, then the weight/shipping stays the same?

      Can you just clarify if that is correct?
      Chris Owens
      Actinic Support Subscriber
      On behalf of <a href=""></a>


        So, if they do order a heavy item, then the delivery method is selected for them...
        Not exactly. It may be that with heavier items, there is only one valid shipping class and so that one is automatically selected.

        With lighter order, people can then select from a range of shipping options.


          Yes I understand that... what I meant was that if they do select a heavy item and the shipping band is selected for them, is that shipping band still selected if they remove the heavier item keeping only a light item in the basket?

          From experience and judging from a few orders this seems to be the case... but I'd like verification.

          Thanks for your patience Chris,
          Chris Owens
          Actinic Support Subscriber
          On behalf of <a href=""></a>


            Yes, this is the case.


              Thanks Chris

              In your opinion, is this actually a feature then or a bug?

              Can you ask (politely) if the developers can take a look at correcting the weight/shipping when heavy items are removed and only light items remain.

              Thanks again.
              Chris Owens
              Actinic Support Subscriber
              On behalf of <a href=""></a>


                Whether it is a feature or a bug really depends on your point of view.

                Actinic, by default, remembers all the details you entered in the checkout so you do not have to re-type them all if you leave the checkout and then re-enter it.

                I guess it would be more useful for you if Actinic worked out the shipping method afresh on each visit to the checkout - but then this would really irritate people that have deliberately selected a more expensive shipping option.


                  I can see your point of view, but in my honest opinion I am willing to guess that more people would be changing cart contents than those who are willing to pay for extra shipping.

                  If possible (read: feature request) I'd like this to be an option, as it helps avoid confusion especially when dealing with multiple shipping tables.

                  Just my $0.02.

                  Thanks again Chris,
                  Chris Owens
                  Actinic Support Subscriber
                  On behalf of <a href=""></a>


                    No worries -

                    I will feed back this discussion to the development team.


                      Sounds ok to me.

                      Thank you very much.
                      Chris Owens
                      Actinic Support Subscriber
                      On behalf of <a href=""></a>

