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Email notification issue

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    Email notification issue

    I've just moved to a new server and whilst customer emails are sent on each order, I no longer get email notification of a new order. Checkbox is checked! Where is this email initaated and upon what event? Clues please. I've checked err.log and nthing unusual there so I'm somewhat puzzled - using V4 with all patches applied.

    My web host copied files from old IP address to new IP address, I then updated new IP (not a refresh) then changed settings back to old IP to wait for DNS IP switch to occur. In the meantime I had 4 orders on old IP which I downloaded and then uploaded catalogue to new IP to reflect stock changes, etc. I have sincedone a complete refresh. I did notice that I have some duplicates on the last 4 digits of the order numbers which I can understand BUT why would the email notification no longer work?

    Suggestions please.
    Paul Codman
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    01394 670970

    More clues...

    If I run a network settings test all is Ok nad it says if the email address is correct (which it is) I should receive a confirmation but no email received so it seems to be able to send emails from my email address but not to it - boy am I confused or probably missing the obvious?
    Paul Codman
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    01394 670970


      I need to change my name by deed poll to Rodney Trotter - set up a new email account on the new server but forgot to go get the emails which wer being sent to one of the aliases! Only noticed it cos the webspace for the user had contents - anyways all sorted and no problems with Actinic only the user!
      Paul Codman
      <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
      01394 670970

