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Flash Slideshow Photo Gallery

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    Flash Slideshow Photo Gallery

    Can anyone tell me if it is easy to install the Flash Slideshow Photo Gallery on the homepage. Does it involve a lot of html programing coz I am quite a numpty in that field.
    I would like to put this example found on

    on to my website homepage


    Identical to the methods you have already been shown.


      As Lee says implementing Flash on your site is the same as we have explained previously for your Grace Fashion Shop. To create the Flash in the first place can take a lot of effort and you need to learn (Adobe) Macromedia Flash software. You may be lucky to find some free adaptable Flash on the internet that you can just add your pictures to to make a slideshow - try an internet search.


        Thanks.I have managed to put the slide show on the front page of ,but the movie shows in the offline page preview perfectly,but on the actual web it says movie not loaded and just shows a blank space .

        Might this be to do with the host that I use,
        Or maybe to do with the way my security on my computer is set to??


          Two possibilities:
          1. The flash file is not uploaded to your server. The path in your source code shows the file to be at TRIAL1.swf which does not show.
          2. The file name has a space in it.

          1. rename the swf file without spaces.
          2. correct your code to relect the new file name.
          3. ensure that this new filename is added to the additional files list.


            I have renamed the file to SLIDE followed your instructions ,but still no joy.A bit frustrating because it works perfectly well in the ofline page preview.

            Do I have to have flash player v9 to view the slide??

            Any more ideas?


              The swf file still doesn't seem to be on your server. According to your code this path should show the file:
              but it doesn't. Even:
              doesn't show the file.

              Try putting the full url in the code as above and also check manually with an ftp client that the file really is on the server where you think it is.

              I presume you did add it to the additional files list in Actinic?


                Flash Slideshow Photo Gallery

                Ye I have the swf on my addtional file.I tried to use the full url in the html code ,but that even led to the prieview not showing as well.
                I have attached the code ,maybe you might spot something.

                I am not placing this code in the Act_brochure primary but rather in a fragment that makes up the images on my homepage.All I did was to put he swf html in one of the layouts and then use the adjusted the 'text only 'layout.

                Might this be the problem?
                Attached Files


                  No wrong - do not modify the fragment template, you don't have to do that.

                  Use the standard text only fragment template then add the following code into the text description to test:

                  <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
                  <param name="movie" value="SLIDE.swf">
                  <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF">
                  <embed name="FSB" src="SLIDE.swf"
                  quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" swLiveConnect="true"
                  You can add other formatting like <center> etc later after getting it working.

                  Have you manually confirmed that the swf file is in the location you want it to be on the server?


                    How do I do the manual confirmation that the swf is in the right location please?
                    I have modified the Act_Textonly with the code above.
                    I get the same result.The offline and the working folder shows it perfectly,but not on the web.
                    Last edited by grace; 28-Feb-2007, 07:07 PM. Reason: more info


                      Again - you do not need to modify any templates. All you need to do is put that code into the fragment text description box in Actinic.

                      You must also change the swf source path to be the full URL (even though it will not show in the preview) otherwise it will look for the file in the wrong location. It should work after being uploaded to your server.

                      You can check using an FTP client program to see if the file is on your server but if you added it to the additional files list then it should have been uploaded into the acatalog folder on the server - hnce the need to use the full URL.


                        I just did a test in firefox and modified your template and I can see the flash - so do what I suggested and it will work.
                        See this:


                          Oh thanks a million.Infact I cant thank you enough.You've been great help.


                            You will still need to do the changes as mentioned to get this to work permanently. I just made some temporary modifications to the html on my side to test the implememtation. Not quite time to juump for joy yet!

                            Reset the fragment template back to default (text only) and follow my instructions exactly in my post 11 above.


                              Dont quite get it.Here is where I am at the minute.
                              (1)The fragment template is already in text only with the html placed in the space for description
                              (2)The source path -I have changed that to the full url as advised.
                              (3) The flash is showing perfectly on the workings page,the offline preview(although it gives a message like Internet Explorer has limited The ActiveX Controls............)and if I click to allow it ,it works fine,
                              So I am not too sure what I have to change now to get this to work permanently.

