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Simple Free product and free shipping

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    Simple Free product and free shipping

    Hi all,

    I have spent 2 days looking at a problem - searching the forums and trying suggestions out - and i have finally found something that works for me. The solution isn't new (it was listed in one of the threads) but i thought i would spell out what i did in case it is of use to someone else.

    The Problem.
    I have run a competition on my website where the winners receive a free book. I wanted to make sure that the book was not listed as free so that it was still available to purchase by other customers. So, for this i created a discount code. I also wanted to make sure that P&P was not charged on the free book but was still chargable for other customers.

    I tried to use shipping based on total value but it just would not work for me. Total value appeared to work fine for an order cart of £0.01 and above but not for £0.00. Instead i chose Total quantity - but this option only works for me because i have a standard shipping price.

    The solution
    1) Create the discount
    Select View - Product Groups. Create a new product group and assign members (products) to it. I added 6 products to allow the discount to be applied to associated products. Press Ok
    Select View - Discount and Surcharge. Select Cart contents and give it a name (competition winner), select the product group that was just created, set the trigger (price of the book), set the reward type £ off and price of book and add a discount code. Press OK

    2) Create the Shipping (the shipping locations are not really required)
    Select Advanced - Locations and create a new location as UK, new location as EU, new location as USA and new location as World. Create a final location as Competition Winner (or whatever should appear to the customer) - and remember to give each entry a unique code. Press OK.

    Select View - Business Settings - Shipping and Handling. Select Total quantity and create a new zone called UK with the member UK (the entry created and not United Kingdom). Create a new zone called EU with the member EU, create a new zone USA with the member USA and create a new zone Rest of world with the member World. Finally, create a new zone called Competition Winner (or collection or something) with the member Free Shipping. Note, the order that these are created determines the order that they appear on the shipping form.

    Right click on each zones add a class - create a new class called Standard Shipping. For each class press the + button and create entry with a quantity 1 and Cost for £3.50 (or whatever the cost is). Select the radio button 'Take the highest value'.

    Thats it.

    I now send an email out to the winners explaining that they have won a prize and to use a specific discount code. I also ask that they select the 'Competition Winner' shipment option to get free delivery. I am presuming that Joe Public will not try to blag free P&P by claiming to be a competition winner.

    Hope this helps somebody.


    Star of the story - Personalised Stories for your Prince and Princess.
    Last edited by sots; 01-Mar-2007, 12:54 PM. Reason: add url

    Thanks for taking the time to document this Phil - I'm sure it will help someone.

