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Image error with upgrade

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    Image error with upgrade

    Hello all,
    I have been busy today trying to upgrade my v5 to v7 of actinic!
    I don't have v8, and can't afford it at the moment so I have to work with this.
    But the problem I'm bumping into is the next:
    I have my images routed to 1 direct (product images I'm talking here).
    they are all in

    When I now import the site into V7, all the images are left out and not shown!
    Even if I change the template to a new one, images left out.
    When I generate and offline preview and look at the routing of the (missing) image it put "C:/" as an extra in front of it!
    So after that I checked the MDB file, all files are rooted to d:/shop..... and there is NO "C:/" in front of it!!!

    I have no clue what to do now! Or what to do now...
    Even when I reimport the image from that directory manually, it keeps linking to the same path in the html, with the C:/ in front of it!!

    Isn't that weird? Anybody has any advice?


    Your best bet is to move the folder /shop/productimages into the Site1 folder and then correct the references in the products etc. You may end up with endless problems if you keep images outside the Site1 folder. Best to get it over with once and for all.


      Originally posted by drounding
      Your best bet is to move the folder /shop/productimages into the Site1 folder and then correct the references in the products etc. You may end up with endless problems if you keep images outside the Site1 folder. Best to get it over with once and for all.
      I have copied the files into the site1 directory. Now tried to manually relink them, and NOW it still doesn't strange is this!?!


        Try going back to V5 and sort out the image problem there - once it is working OK do a snapshot and upgrade.

