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How do I collect email address if...

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    How do I collect email address if...

    How do I collect email address if I have the customer settings to "only allow delivery to this address".

    My customers are large institutions which want delivery to a particular address. However, the person ordering the products could be any one of 1,000 employees. The person who orders wants the confirmation of the order to go to them. In fact, if they do not receive confirmation, my office will be deluged with calls asking whther we received the order.

    When the site is set to allow delivery to a particular address, there is no provision to send buyer confirmation to an email other than the one that is pre-registered.

    Is there a way to do this?

    One possible solution, but I would need some help (if it is even possible). Set the program to allow user to input another address but somehow set the address fields to fill in by default to the selected delivery address. I could then make all the fields hidden except for the email field. This way the buyer could key in their email address and everything else would remain static.

    If this is possible, I only need to figure out how to make the delivery address fields default to be filled in with the selected shipping address. Is there some java cose that would work or something else I could do in Actinic?

    I don't know if this will absolutely work, but it may give you a place to start.

    In Act_Order02.html, remove the


    tag from before the delivery address table and remove the


    from after it.

    This will reveal the delivery address fields in all their glory to registered customers, with all the details pre-filled-in.

    You may be able to carry out your hidden field idea successfully now.

