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Cgi-bin permissions problem

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    Cgi-bin permissions problem

    Hi there

    I have looked through other cgi-bin threads and checked everything but am very puzzled by this.

    I have 2 sites, one works fine, one not. For that site I can't update the site because the network settings are showing the cgi-bin problem. I have checked all the network settings in both sites against each other and they are identical, other than domain, p/w etc. Both use the same hosting server.

    On the problem site when I test the network settings I get the "You do not have permissions to write to the cgi-bin" message. I can ftp a file to the cgi-bin no problem by using an ftp upload program, so that isn't the problem.

    I have installed Actinic onto another machine, imported the snapshot and tried again - same problem. I have disabled Zone Alarm on both machines - no effect.

    If anyone can help me out I would be extremely grateful



    Are your sites sharing the same cgi-bin directory?
    If not check that you have the right permisssions set for the cgi-bin directory. It should be at least 755.

    There is a difference between you being able to upload a file and the script being able to create a file.


      Hi there

      Yes I have checked the permissions, sorry should have said that. They are separate from the other site and they are 755.

      Thanks for response



        Can you try the site that is giving you issues with a new script ID number, anything that is different to the one on the working machine.
        Bruce King


          Do you mean just change it in the Advanced Network Setup? If so I have just done that and tried the test - there is no change, same error.



            So to be clear you changed the script ID to be different from your other store and did a complete purge and refresh to update the scripts? Or did you try a network test?


              I do appreciate your help in getting me through this.

              Last night I changed the Script ID and then tried a Network test. This morning I tried to purge and refresh as you suggest. As soon as the refresh came to "sending base files" it timed out, presumably because of this write permissions problem?

              I can't remember if I have updated this site using the current snapshot, I don't know if this is significant. So to be sure I have now tried importing older site snapshots (which worked on the old machine) to see if that will help, but the same error of being unable to write to the cgi-bin occurs. As I said before I have also tried importing snapshots and connecting through a third machine, same error.



                Been trying some problem solving strategies.

                Site A works on machine w.

                Site B does not work (cgi write permissions problem) on machines x, y or z.

                Site A (exported snapshot) does not work on x,y or z either (same problem).

                All 4 machines - w, x, y and x - are on a local network, 2 are Windows 2000 and 2 XP, and disabling firewalls makes no difference.

                The only difference I can think of is that machines x, y and z are running Actinic 7.03 and w is running 7.01, so when I export a snapshot it goes through that site upgrader thing. Could that be causing the problem? (Both A and B were built using 7.01).

                If possible I want to avoid having both sites on the same machine as that caused me headaches last time I tried it (though this is an even worse headache at the moment, it has to be said).



                  Does Site B work on machine W?
                  It should if it is 701 and W is at 701.

                  Why is it a headache to run the two sites on the same machine?
                  Can you perhaps reload one of the other machines to 701 instead of 703 and try that. It will help narrow down the problem to either the upgrade or something else if you can do that.



                    Thanks so much for your help. For some reason unticking the Use Passive FTP resolved the problem. Site is updated. All is well.

                    Many thanks again for your time and help


