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Customer order 'stuck' in Pending tab

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    Customer order 'stuck' in Pending tab

    We've been running our shop for about 2 months now, and have 3 payment options set for the client to choose: Protx, Encripted (using the Actinic shop payment method) and Invoice with order.

    We have had orders using all 3 methods and have treated them all in the same way without problems until now. When we download the orders they go into the Pending tab. We then right click and select 'reprint Data entry Report'. Once the order is printed it usually moves from the Pending tab into Pending and Completed and a Blue tick is placed next to the order.

    We have one order that is still sitting in Pending (without Blue tick) which we can not seem to persuade to move into the completed and pending area.

    What can we do to this order to encourage it?


    We have this problem too, but ours is on an order where we had to make an amendment.

    Any ideas that could help us both?
    Chris Owens
    Actinic Support Subscriber
    On behalf of <a href=""></a>


      The orders have to be in a certain state before they will move over to completed. This is what I think the criteria is

      1) Invoice must be printed (or data entry report must be printed)
      2) Payment status must be full payment received.
      3) All items must be shipped.

      In Kris's case it sounds to me as if you need to open the order, go to the payment tab and make a payment to cater for the adjustment you have made to the order. Just a guess.

      Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
      Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

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      Multichannel order processing
      Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


        Thanks for this.

        Print: The order has been printed.

        Items shipped: When I open the order, it shows that all the line items have been shipped and nothing remains outstanding.

        Payment Status: It is pending payment, but all of the buttons that would allow me to post a payment, or amend the order in some way are ghosted out. The only buttons that are not are Mail or Delete!

        Any more ideas from anyone?



          Have you entered the credit card details? (assuming that it is a send credit card details separately order)

          Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
          Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

          Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
          A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
          Product Mash for Sellerdeck
          Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
          Multichannel order processing
          Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


            Hi Jan,
            No I haven't. But, there are 2 reasons why I haven't:-

            1. On all previous orders which were with the same payment selection ie: credit card details to follow. We simply printed the order and it moved from Pending into Completed

            2. None of the buttons within the order are working which would allow me to do so.



              I'll hand over to Actinic then, I must be wrong about the criteria.

              It's odd that you say that the buttons are all disabled because with that payment option the credit card details bit is usually just underneath the payment type drop down box. Check your payment settings in business settings because maybe your credit card details sent separately is not really that but just that name against another payment type if you see what I mean. The payment status would normally be 'Waiting for CC details' as well.

              Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
              Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

              Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
              A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
              Product Mash for Sellerdeck
              Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
              Multichannel order processing
              Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


                Just so you know, I checked Business Settings are they are correct -

                Thanks Jan,

                now, what happens with Actinic - does someone read this or do I contact them in a different way?
                PS. As a result of your helpfulness, we just placed an order with your company for the product 'clone' software!


                  Yep, just checked the payment tab and for some strange reason... unbeknown to both myself and the boss who deals with the payments, it had a manual payment of £1 in there... I deleted it and lo-and-behold it went to the completed tab!

                  THANK YOU!
                  Chris Owens
                  Actinic Support Subscriber
                  On behalf of <a href=""></a>


                    Thank you for your order, I am just processing it now. Lets hope that this is a concept that catches on ;-) I think I might have to rename that product because Richard's cloning name seems to be catching on.

                    Chris Dicken and the Actinic support team check this forum, however if you have Actinic cover you can call them directly, if you don't you can use the email support for free by filling in a form on the Actnic web site (

                    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
                    Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

                    Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
                    A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
                    Product Mash for Sellerdeck
                    Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
                    Multichannel order processing
                    Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95

