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Price Match Guarantee

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    Price Match Guarantee

    I would like to offer a price match guarantee on my website but am unclear on the best method to use to achiveve this. How have others set this up.
    I am using Actinic Catalog V7.

    I thought about having a form for customers to enter details of the product, price and website address that they want me to price match, to which I could email back a price match reference number.
    Is there a way I could create a dummy product that would allow the customer to enter the price agreed along with the prcie match reference number.
    Darren Guppy
    Golf Tee Warehouse
    Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.

    You might want to form a URL link that calls a separate form submission system (called uniquly from each product) which populates your product details and price and then allows entry of details for the company and product they wish to price match against, which is then emailed to you.



      I am sure I can create a form to allow customers to request a price match but can not see how the customer can enter the price that I agree.

      The only method I could think of is to create an item with a set price of £0.01 per item and get the customer to enter the price in the quantity box, so entering 550 produces a price of £5.50.
      Can anybody think of a neat way this could be implimented or a better method.

      I am a new to Actinic so might be missing a simple solution that I am not aware of.
      Darren Guppy
      Golf Tee Warehouse
      Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.



        Have a read on this thread

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

