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Actinic automatically generating meta page title

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    Actinic automatically generating meta page title

    Hi all

    At present, if you keep the section "Page Title" field empty Actinic V7 automatically generates the meta page title for you based on two variables. I think the variables are:

    Name (from Company/Contact tab in the Business settings) + Name (from the General Tab in the Section details)

    I would like to remove the:

    Name (from Company/Contact tab in the Business settings)

    so that the page title is only made up of the Name (from the General Tab in the Section details).

    Does anyone know how to do this?

    KJ Beckett
    Men's Clothing & Accessories
    Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
    Bath, England
    Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
    Men's Fashion Blog


    If you click on the top of the catalog tree on your Content pane, and change the name there, if you want nothing appearing then just enter a space and save.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi Bruce

      Apologies - I dont think this is correct. The top of the Content Tree - Catalog Details pane - my catalog has an overall site name of "KJ Beckett" however this is not what is populating the sub-sections' page titles when the page title field is left blank.

      If left blank - the page titles of a sub section are being poulated by "KJ Beckett - Luxury Accessories for Men" and then the sub-section name. For instance:

      on this page you can see the page title is KJ Beckett - Luxury Accessories for Men White Dupion Silk Waistcoat by KJ Beckett

      The White Dupion Silk...bit is the Section Details (General tab) name field. But where is the "KJ Beckett - Luxury Accessories for Men" coming from. As I said it is not top level name as this is set to KJ Beckett (e.g. no Luxury Accessories for Men).

      What I really want to do is amend the piece of code/template that drives the creation of a page title IF the Page Title field of Section Details (Layout tab) is left empty. There must be a bit of code that says use:

      "Name (from Company/Contact tab in the Business settings)" + Section Details (General tab) name field.

      I want to amend the code to not use the "Name (from Company/Contact tab in the Business settings)" and only the Section Details (General tab) name field.

      Hope this makes sense.

      KJ Beckett
      Men's Clothing & Accessories
      Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
      Bath, England
      Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
      Men's Fashion Blog


        But where is the "KJ Beckett - Luxury Accessories for Men" coming from.
        Its coming from your business name in business settings



          in ACT_PRIMARY

          This will have the effect of using section names as page titles, and not company name, this may be closer to what you want


            Hi Jo

            Thanks. Thats kind of what I want to do except...

            Each product appears twice on my site - once in the "by brand" sections and once in the "by type" sections.

            When I set-up a product, the original goes in the "by brand" section and I give it a page title (e.g. I fill in the page title field) however when I copy it to the "by type" section I leave the page title field blank on the duplicate. This forces Actinic to automatically / dyanamically create a page title which is contructed of:

            business name in business settings + page section name

            This creates a unique page title on both pages with little effort (remember when you create a duplicate on Actinic the page title field resets to blank.

            the only problem i only want to use the page section name and not the business name in business settings

            I could make the business name in business settings blank but that is used for other purposes.

            Likewise I could create a duplicate set of template for my duplicate products and change the Act_Primary as suggested. But this creates alot more templates to manage.

            Therefore the best thing to do is find the code where Actinic automatically creates the page title of business name in business settings + page section name and remove the first bit.

            Does anyone know where this variable is built?

            KJ Beckett
            Men's Clothing & Accessories
            Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
            Bath, England
            Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
            Men's Fashion Blog



              I'm afraid that you can't change what a NETQUOTEVAR does. You can either go with one of the suggestions already made or create a custom property (Advanced | Custom Properties) and then set a value for this for all your sections so it says exactly what you want it to.

