Certain countries cannot process an order from my site as they get an error "The Catalog shipping database does not have any shipping options for this destination" when they go through to the shopping cart. When I look in Business Options, the classes are there, but can't be activated, how do I do this? 1st and 2nd class post in the UK is fine.
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Shipping Destinations
Hi Dee
It sounds as though you don't have shipping zones set up for certain countries and there is no default shipping charge for those countries.
You can add countries to a shipping zone by right-clicking on the zone and selecting Properties. Alternatively, if you want to offer all countries a default shipping charge, this can also be done in Business Settings | Shipping and Handling | 'If shipping band not defined'.
BenBen Popplestone
Ecommerce website software
Go to
and click on the 'Parcel Forve' link.
Download 'ImportParcelForce.exe' and run it in order to extract ''ImportParcelForce.csv' somewhere safe on your PC. I suggest the Desktop.
Then in Actinic, go to 'File | Import' and do a 'Hierarchical Import'. Then just complete the wizard to import the file.
Wow, I can now send overseas, it is that simple! thank you.
When sending to places like the US or Australia (both of which I am getting a lot of interest from) the only shipping options available are International Scheduled and International Datapost both of which are costing about £30 to send a fairly light item, and having just sent one via a mail enquiry know it only costs less than £2.00. Is there anyting else I need to do?
... or maybe I'll just attach it here...(although if you visiting this in the future, please go to http://www.actinicdownloads.com/ to make sure you get the latest one)
The attached import file contains
- Royal Mail UK Standard Parcel Rates
- Air Mail Small Packet Service RatesAttached Files