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Miffed about upgrade denial

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    Miffed about upgrade denial

    I'm a little miffed this morning that I contacted Actinic for a quote to upgrade my v7 Catalog to v7 Business to be told that I can't. I have to buy v8.

    I pointed out that I've had Catalog v7 for less than 12 months and was promised that I could upgrade when I was ready. Nobody said that if you want to upgrade in 11 months time you will have to fork out £600.00 + on a new version.

    I'm not asking for new software. I already have it installed. I believe I just need the key to unlock the Business version.

    I believe my request to be reasonable. Actinic needs to understand that people still enjoy using 'older' albeit very recent versions and may want to enhance or upgrade them.

    Hi Dave

    Are you saying that Actinic won't supply an upgrade to B7, or that they won't supply a FREE upgrade?

    Unless you paid for annual support, you would not be entitled to a free version upgrade, and even under support, a C to B upgrade would never be free.

    I would guess that the cost of upgrading C7 to B7 would be the same as upgrading C7 to B8 - around £600, so unless you wanted to avoid V8 for some reason, there isn't a lot of point upgrading to B7.

    If you really want to stick with V7, I'm sure a quick google will throw up V7 upgrades for sale eg.

    ps. I actually have an unused B7 upgrade, but I don't think I'm allowed to resell it.
    My site is live under C5, and I purchased an upgrade to B7 a couple of years ago, but never went live with it. Anyone know if I am prohibited from resale because I still have my v5 site live, and the V7 was an upgrade?
    Just curious.
    (My B7 will never go live, as will be relaunching with V8)


      Ask to speak to someone senior. I can understand actinic wanting to keep everyone on the most recent version, but given V8s recent issues I think they ought to be more flexible when a customer wants to stay on his current version.

      Maybe Chris Barling would like to have a think about this.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Thanks for your replies.

        I am not after a free upgrade. I expect to pay whatever the upgrade cost is within reason. I perhaps hope its a little cheaper than it was because its an 'old' version but I am more than happy to pay for the upgrade.

        My only other option is to try and purchase a key from someone else if this is allowed.


          You can still upgrade to V7 multiuser I believe.

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            I expect to pay whatever the upgrade cost
            The upgrade cost is about £600 as said by Actinic - Ive just done one recently C7 to B8 which was in line with the last time I did C7 to B7 as far as I remember.

