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Protx Problems - Completed / Pending PSP issue

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    Protx Problems - Completed / Pending PSP issue

    Can anyone help?

    Two sites loaded onto the same server using the same version of Actinic, same payment settings and same Occ payment template.

    One receives orders, once complete at Protx, and returns order to 'Completed'
    The other always puts all orders into PSP and they never go to 'Completed'

    Contacted Protx and they checked settings and insist it is an Actinic problem.

    Sounds more like a call back issue, have you checked you server and looked for the occ files, these exist after an order is placed, if they are not on the server then PROTX is not sending it or your server is not getting or blocking it.

    Someone else here will probably offer a more technical explanation



      Let me describe our layout as it sounds same/similar.

      Two sites on same server/domain and in different directories, and each site uses different CGI script IDs. Each site uses same PSP account with ProtX.

      This work fine with us but I wonder if a clash of order numbers from the Actinic settings Help --> Troubleshooting might be an issue. I have made sure ours cannot clash by setting a different start number for each site.

      Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
      Bob Isaac
      Director/Web Admin
      Volvo Owners Club Ltd

      Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2

