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MDAC problem

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    MDAC problem

    I've just reinstalled Actinic V6.02 on my client's machine and it's telling me that there are errors with the MDAC. I downloaded Microsoft's latest MDAC and reinstalled - same errors. I installed the MDAC on the Actinic CD and reinstalled - same errors.
    Does anyone have any clue what my next step should be?

    i had iis installed on my win2k pc and then uninstalled it and actinic seemed not to like this and gave me the mdac error so i reinstalled iis and it works now not sure if that has anything to do with it probrerally not.


      It's a client's machine so i don't have IIS installed.

      As an aside, I've installed it on this client's machine before, but he had a virus the other day and deleted everything on his hard drive and reinstalled win2k. Once he had installed everything he had on it before, apart from Actinic, I reinstalled that and received the errors.
      So I've installed it before perfectly well on his machine, but now it's not working. Totally flumoxed.


        do you have microsoft office installed on it?


          Yes, Office 2000.


            with access?


              Yes, and Access seems to be working fine.


                hmm did u try and install the mdac 5.2 or 2.5 that the error messeage sasy to use?


                  Tried 2.5 and 2.6


                    well im out of ideas not very helpfull i know. sorry i couldnt be more help


                      Hi there

                      I see you have reinstall MDAC 2.5 and 2.6. Can i please ask, when you tried to install this files, and got the error message, did you try to install the jet driver that was included on the actinic cd. The filename should be "Jet40Sp3_Comp.exe"

                      It might be an idea to install this first, then install MDAC, if it works, then once MDAC has been installed, please reboot windows.

                      Please can i also ask what version of Windows your client is running?

                      Kind Regards
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development


                        Ok, I'll try this when i go to see my client today. I'll try to find out exactly what version of windows he has installed too.

