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copy_copy_page names

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    copy_copy_page names

    Hi, again!

    This is probably an obvious problem but I cant work it out. I exported my site in comma delimited format from v5 - (it had this problem then)

    But most of my catalog pages have become copy_of_copy of pages - as per the example below

    Can anyone tell me how to rectify this - I cant just change the name of the page name.


    James Cameron
    The Glow Company UK Ltd.

    Have a look at the text file you exported from v5 to. If the "copy_of_copy..." stuff is in there why not just do a global replace (using a good text editor - - will give you one if you havn't got one) and replace all that junk with nulls.

    Then re-import that file into V6.

    If you've made changes since going to V6 then you could also do this by exporting from your V6 and re-importing once tidied up as above.


    I'd recommend making a spare copy of your entire Site1 folder before doing anything this drastic just in case things screw up.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      thanks Norman - I'm not very tech savy & have asked my web chap about your response - but can you explain what a global replace is & where (if) I can get a reasonable text editor for free

      Many thanks again for your reply


      James Cameron
      The Glow Company UK Ltd.


        if your webman doesn't know what a global replace is - sack him!

        global replace mean go through the entire file and replace every occurance of stringA to stringB

        use notepad to do this, it comes with windows


          "if your webman doesn't know what a global replace is - sack him! "

          That wasn't very nice and I think a bit of an immature responce. You can bet that web guy knows things that you don't, so if a valid question arrises that you don't know the answer to should you be sacked?

          I thought the whole point of this forum was to ask and answer questions, pooling each others knowledge. Maybe I'm wrong


            I'm guessing Jo had missed out a somehere in that posting so let's just leave that one there.

            To do a global find and replace in 'Notepad' do a right-click on your csv file and select 'Open With' and use 'Notepad'. Then go to 'Edit | Replace'. In the 'Find What' box, enter 'copy_of_' and leave the 'Replace With' box blank. Then click 'Replace All'. This will strip out all the 'copy_of_'s from your page file names.

            The one note is that your page filenames for each section have to be unique. You may find that, following the above procedure, Actinic will reject some of them when you try and import as several sections will now have the same page filename. A way around this is to simply not map the 'Page Filename' field when you re-import the data. Actinic will then assign a unique default page name to each one as they are imported. The only other option is to manually change them all in the 'Layout' tab of each section in Actinic.


              Warning. The notepad that comes with windows 9x is an archaic version that can only deal with files up to 64K in size. The one that comes with XP CAN do big files. Don't know about 2000 / NT's version. If you've more than a few products you'll have a huge import file.

              If you need a better text editor then go to (I misspelled the URL in earlier posts - sorry) and download the evaluation version.

              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Thanks again Norman - my file is 155k so I am currently downloading the recommended editor.

                Thanks to Jo, Jay and Chris the peacekeeper (oh dear this is getting like the oscars!!). I have often found that communicating via email is difficult and can lead to some difficulties - I had a similar occurance with my web chap & upset him - its purely down to the subtleties of telephone or face to face communication being left out.

                Anyhow thanks for everyones help.


                Jo youl be please to know I havnt sacked him & he did know what it was but I need to try to find somethings out for myself.
                James Cameron
                The Glow Company UK Ltd.

