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Top Level & Child Level Section Structure

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    Top Level & Child Level Section Structure

    Whilst Gary Hay is genoursly helping me with component layout problems I have, I wonder if anyone can help me with this.

    We have approx 30 pages of products, what we want to do is to divided those up into 4/5 top level sections as per the products on our existing marketing site.

    However, we do not want a products page with all the top level sections liseted and we do not want a page for each of the top level sections. The point is to provide "one click" navigation and remove any extraneous pages.

    Hope someone can help.


    <a href=></a>

    Hi Andrew

    I've taken a look at your marketing site.

    There are various ways to list the top level sections and sub-sections as a list of links in the AUG (available here).

    For the dropdown navigation, you might like to have a look at Norman Rouxel's Nortree solution.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      Originally posted by Ben
      Hi Andrew

      I've taken a look at your marketing site.

      There are various ways to list the top level sections and sub-sections as a list of links in the AUG (available here).

      For the dropdown navigation, you might like to have a look at Norman Rouxel's Nortree solution.

      Thanks for your reply Ben.

      Correct me if I am wrong but, I've looked at the AUG for "including Section Lists with JavaScript" and these all rely upon the JavaScript files Actinic generates. Therefore, for each top level section I create Actinic generates a corresponding html page. This is exactly what we don't want. We want the top level section to exist only in name in the navigation menu (as per or marketing site). We were planning to use Norman's Nortree but as it relies on what Actinic does, we have to see if we can manipulate Actinic first, below is an example of what I mean:

      Actinic Structure:

      top level section (no html page generated)
      -- sub section1 (html page generated)
      -- sub section2 (html page generated)
      -- sub section3 (html page generated)

      Navigation Menu:

      top level section (no link)>
      >>sub section1 (link to html page)
      >>sub section2 (link to html page)
      >>sub section3 (link to html page)

      Hopefully this clarifies what I mean, it may be that I will have to create the navigation manually.


      <a href=></a>


        Do you mean down the side of the page on within the body of the page?
        Owner of a broken heart


          Hi Gary,

          It will be used as top navigation (probably in the form of a dropdown menu, possible using Nortree) and possibly as as side navigation (down the left side).

          Ultimately, I can create navigation menus myself by hardcoding them, but I'm trying to use Actinic to generate as much functionality as possible.



          ps Gary, did you manage to have a look at the component layout problem yet (cheeky or what!)
          <a href=></a>


            Hi Andrew

            You're quite right - Actinic does generate an html page for every section level. I'm afraid I don't know a way around this in Actinic, so you may be better off using Actinic pages in the background and creating your own navigation.

            Ben Popplestone
            Ecommerce website software


              Why not create a separate sub-section for each product in the store - making sure that all the new sub-sections are at the same level in the store.

              Then, depending on how you are with JavaScript, you could take the code from the Advanced User Guide, and just remove the HTML elements within the Javascript code that control the layout of the top level sections in the store. The code would then just include links to the sub-sections (i.e. your products).


                Hi Chris,

                So, I would have to remove the JavaScript for the new top level sections that creates a link and leave in the JavaScript that writes the text (as the user will still need to see the top level sections but not having a link to any page). This sounds like a good idea to me and something to get stuck in about next week.

                Thanks for the suggestion.


                <a href=></a>

