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Out of Memory error - Vista Problem???

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    Out of Memory error - Vista Problem???

    Since installing Vista I keep getting an error message "Out of Memory" when trying to update the catalog.
    I have installed the latest patch 7.0.7 but still it has not helped.

    I have 2GB of memory which I am running on a VAIO Intel DuoCore 1.83 (T5600 CPU) Laptop. I do have enough memory and never experienced this problem before. We are a computer manufacturer so I have access to 'techies' who have looked at the laptop and said there are no problems with the amount of memory I have.

    I have also done all the normal things, compacted my database, restarted laptop, restarted actinic, free more virtual memory.

    Just don't know what to do now as I can no longer update the catalog with new products.

    Same problem...

    yeah i have exactly the same issue 'out of memory'.
    this message only comes up when i try and alter any fragments that are already on the site, i can create new one no problems, products and sections are fine but those damn fragments!!!!
    its a new comp running vista, 2 amd duel core 4000+ cpus, 2 gig ram 250 gig hd etc etc so it should b sweet?! i have tried so far:
    *installing official v7.07 patch + upgrade
    *uninstalling + reinstalling actinic then using the default site as a test but
    even on that site it does the same thing!
    *removing every piece of the site bit by bit incase a corruption had occured
    *crying and beating the desk...

    please - can someone help us?
    ~ dont look back ~


      try this:



        yeah vista seems to suck hey...but then it was an office upgrade - not my decision thus i have to live with it, some actual advice would therefor be very nice.
        ~ dont look back ~


          If anyone is experiencing problems with Vista and V7 and they have upgraded to the recent patch which is supposed to work with it, i would strongly suggest contacting support and letting them take a look. Either actinic have buggered up with the patch or you have something wrong your end. Either way, they will be far more likely to help than anyone on here as it is such a new area with so little info at the moment. They have also been working on the patch for sometime, so will undoubtedly understand the problems best.



            As far as I am aware, we didn't experience these problems when testing v7.0.7 on Vista otherwise we wouldn't have released it.

            Our development team have found Although this refers to ME and earlier it does suggest that an Out of Memory problem can be caused by having too much memory. Everything so far points to ensuring the correct settings for the Virtual Memory Pagefile. Consensus seems to be that the minimum PageFile should be equal to the physical RAM and the maximum should be around 2.5 or 3 times the RAM.

            Can someone with this problem please see if this helps.


              on it

              hey Tracey!
              k im doing that now...
              ~ dont look back ~


                doesnt seem to work

                i tried what you suggested Tracey - i have a gig of ram with 760 availiable thus i set the min value to 760 and the max to 2000 and no avail.
                All other programmes are fine, could it be a vista actinic conflict of some sort?
                ~ dont look back ~


                  Hi Norman,

                  Thanks for trying that out for us. I'll report back to development and see if they have any other ideas.

                  could it be a vista actinic conflict of some sort?
                  Could well be, but nothing that we came across while testing.



                    We have been able to recreate the problem now and are looking into it urgently - so watch this space.


                      Excellent Help

                      Thanks Tracey we will look forward to the solution.


                        Me too....


                          Is there any news on the bug with Vista and Actinic regarding memory - I need to make some updates to the catalog and have not been able to do so for a few weeks now.


                            Hi Sue,

                            I'm afraid that I haven't got an update yet. I can assure you that the development team are looking into it still and have identified an area that could be causing the problem but it needs full investigation and testing as we wouldn't want to cause more problems.

                            I will keep you updated.


                              Hi All,

                              An update: we have identified the problem with the 'out of memory' issue caused by amending fragments and are working on getting a patch out to fix this asap.

                              I'm afraid that we haven't been able to identify any other problems (although obviously there could be some as Vista is so new). Sue, with your update problem, can I get your snapshot to try it out and see if we can identify where your problem lies. If it is less than 10MB then please email it to me at tgsupport [@] actinic [dot] co [dot] uk. If it is more than that then please let me know and I'll email you some ftp details for a server to upload it to.

                              If anyone else has 'out of memory' errors that don't relate to fragments to start a new thread or contact support so that we can look into it straight away.

