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site shopping cart

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    site shopping cart

    Using Developer, I want to have one main site
    To seperate my product line and to avoid actinic7 from crashing (slow)(because I have 100,000 products), I also, want to make sub sites like:

    I want to use only 1 shopping cart(1 account). Is that possible?
    say someone buys 1 item from AND he buys another item from Can they be combined into the SAME shopping cart as the ?
    thanks in advance.

    Afraid thats not possible as each site will upload its own cat files, so each of your sites will have a cat00 and 001 and so on for each section that exists in each site, so a conflict in cat (online catalogue control) files would occur.



      then what do you recommend is the best way to solve my problem?
      I have 100000 products and Actinic will either crash or become so slow that is un-bearable.
      there must be a way to have 1 shopping cart for all sub domain names.
      please advise. i am losing it.


        Either actinic is not the right product for you OR you need business multisite, however this will still not result in a unified cart. You can create as many stores as you like separating into areas. You are then creating a network of sites, which can all point to the central hub site. But they will all act independently.


          In all fairness, 100k in products is not what Actinic SME products are geared for. We have sites sporting 20k in products and some higher which Actinic can handle, but when you look at that level of product data and management is a shop in a box (which Catalog/Business/Developer) is in effect, that uses MS Access the way for this. They have a stated 10k for older versions and I think it is somewhere 20K or so (dont quote me but someone might be able to point in direction) for v8.

          Actinic Enterprise running on MS SQL might be a solution for this, but best to speak with Tech Sales on this one at Actinic maybe. Barring that, I dont think I know of a single boxed / locally operated solution in the same market as what is being used that can do 100k in products. Bespoke on the other hand, yup it can, but big big bucks


            lets forget about the 100000 products, and see if it is possible to have multiple sub domain names that all come back to the main site for checkout.
            I was thinking of copying the ACATALOG of each sub site manually and put it in the main site. I was going to give that a try.
            Any other ideas?
            Thanks so much in advance.


              It won't be possible - period. Much the same as a JCB is not great at being a wedding car, actinic is not aimed at projects of that sort.


                The cat files for each subdomain (store) would be duplicated and the link references would be wrong - I don't see that you can copy the files across successfully into one location and use the same checkout.


                  and see if it is possible to have multiple sub domain names that all come back to the main site for checkout.
                  it is often said that good and bad things comes in 3's

                  so to support Lee and Duncan, I'll make this 3, No you can not run sites in subdomain and have them go to one unified checkout.


                    If in the "Advanced Network Setup" under STANDARD tab, i put the SUB DOMAIN information, BUT on the SSL, I put the same main domain;s information, would not that work?
                    the SSL for all sites is the same.

                    If in the "Advanced Network Setup" under SSL bis the same domain name, and in the Standard (I have the sub domain names) why wouldnt it work?




                        Originally posted by mac
                        If in the "Advanced Network Setup" under STANDARD tab, i put the SUB DOMAIN information, BUT on the SSL, I put the same main domain;s information, would not that work?
                        the SSL for all sites is the same.

                        If in the "Advanced Network Setup" under SSL bis the same domain name, and in the Standard (I have the sub domain names) why wouldnt it work?
                        It seems to me you aren't going to take any notice of our replies because we aren't giving you the answer you want.

                        So I suggest you try your own suggestions and then report back on your success or lack of it.


                          Someone here suggested I should use a different program that handles 100000 products. what program do you suggest i use if i have over 100000 products? (if not Actinic)? I like Actinic.
                          I will test and let you know if the shopping cart issue works.


                            It is physically impossible to maintain more than 1 Actinic cart across more than 1 Actinic site controlled deployment - no way around this. It is all managed and specific to the cat files, which will all start at 000 and go up from there and impossible to change.

                            Trying to keep it in Actinic, call Actinic and ask about Actinic Enterprise (SQL) version. They can then advise if what you would like to achieve is possible in that enterprise targeted version of the software.

                            Apart from that, try Venda. For 5k per month they have a clustered system that is all CMS managed and Db driven, but not much in the way of SEO because of how the system works, but that is geared towards the levels you are after if Actinic Ent is not the way for you - Afraid your options are limited with that level of product lines.


                              it DID NOT work. Thanks for your time. I wasted all day trying. I should have listened to you.

