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Products squashed into the middle

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    Products squashed into the middle

    When I use 'elegant' my site looks fine - there is the stripe with buttons down the left, a small white gap of about 1cm then my product details start (this is on the product screen obviously). The bar and product details take up maybe 2/3rds of the width of the screen, with the product info being 21cm wide.

    However, when I try some of the 'clean' designs (in this case layout10) everything is squashed up into the middle. There is a blue bar to the left again, but this time the white gap is huge - it is at least 14cm across the screen before the product info starts and then the product info is only about 14cm across (the screen is 37cm wide btw). Also there is an 8cm gap between the end of the product info and the right side of the screen despite the checkout/contact us/view cart buttons going right upto the the right hand edge of the screen...

    So my first question is why is there such a large amount of white space, and seconds question is how do I fix it...?


    Re: Products squashed into the middle

    I have uploaded the page in question to -

    I am viewing this in 1024 x 768, and I have turned on the table border to show what is happening more clearly.

    As you can see, the text in the right column is all squashed up, even though there is plenty of white space to the left of the table.

    This was much more evenly spread out using the 'elegant' template, but on the 'theme10' which I have chosen to use, it is squashed up.

    If you make the window smaller the white space on the left shrinks, indicating that it is centralising the table.

    How can I make the white space on the left less, and the column with the text wider? Preferrably by changing it in one place and not having to edit html all over the place...?


      Hi John

      I would try increasing the CUSTOMVAR:ACTSTDWIDTH value in Design Options | Site Defaults or failing that increase the width of the table in Act_ProductBody.html. The downside to increasing the width is that someone viewing the site with a lower resolution will have to scroll across more.

      Ben Popplestone
      Ecommerce website software

