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Cart Errors after Hosting Change

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    In order for this to persist through multiple complete reloads of the site (where ALL the files were deleted from the server), the problem would have to be originating either on the server (unrelated to the files), or on the computer being used for upload.

    Unfortunately, I seem to have a worse problem now. I am trying to reupload the site from another location, after once again deleting the files on the server, and the internet connection here keeps resetting the connection, so the update will never finish. I have an FTP program which will resume an upload if it is broken, but Actinic will not do that - it is all or nothing. I cannot tell it to upload just the parts that were not successfully uploaded previously, and the internet connection will not remain stable long enough to actually finish the job. The fiel structure on the hard drive and on the server are not similar, so I have no way of getting around the Actinic upload function. So we have half a cart sitting there, unable to get the second half up.

    Mom to Eight
    Firelight Business Enterprises, Inc


      Got the cart reloaded. It was reloaded from a different computer, from a clean install of Actinic, using backups from the Site1 folder. All .fil, .pm, .cat, and .pl files were removed or replaced from the Originals folder, prior to uploading.

      The error is still there. I'll be testing it on different hosting tonight.

      Mom to Eight
      Firelight Business Enterprises, Inc.


        An appropriate representation of the requested resource /cgi-bin/ could not be found on this server.
        I assume you are using 2 as your script ID.

        Who is your host? what package have you bought from them, does the package include your own CGI-BIN?


          I checked the source code on your check out page and it shows :
          I've checked mine and it isn't there
          I am not enough of an expert on Actinic, but I thought these were replaced by the proper code
          Any suggestions anyone?



            What version of Actinic are you on and is it Catalog, Business or Developer ? A URL would be great too.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              Hi Laura,

              Very weird... It could be a problem with the cart template.

              Can you please browse to the site folder via Windows Explorer and look for "Act_ShoppingCart.html". Rename it to something like "Act_ShoppingCartBackup.html". Now browse to \Actinic v7\Formats\Themes\Layout1 and copy the original template back into the site folder.

              Upload and test.

              Let me know how you get on.

              Toby Blanchard

